Nye Gets Good News From Golden


    From Virginia Beach Republican Kenny Golden’s Facebook page.

    Kenny Golden announces his intentions to run as an independent candidate for Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District. Recent polling suggests a mood of frustration across the nation, highlighted by a disenchantment with and lack of faith in Congress. Yet, the two major parties offer only business as usual as their response to the people. The voters of the second district deserve a better choice, and that is why Kenny Golden has decided to seek the congressional seat as an independent. Leadership and vision are what he offers, not going along to get along.

    It’s hard to see how this move by Golden – former chairman of the Virginia Beach Republican Party – isn’t good news for Rep. Glenn Nye (D-2nd) and bad news for likely Republican nominee Scott Rigell. Nye’s hope, obviously, is that Golden’s candidacy will split the conservative vote this November, giving him an easier path to reelection. Now, if we can just get Kenny Goldens to run as third-party candidates in every district in America, we’d be in superb shape!


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