Home Guns Video, Photos: “We Can End Gun Violence” Rallies in Alexandria, Arlington, Loudoun

Video, Photos: “We Can End Gun Violence” Rallies in Alexandria, Arlington, Loudoun


See below for some video and photos from last night’s and Friday evening’s Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America “We Can End Gun Violence” rally in Alexandria and Arlington, courtesy of The Zebra Press, the Alexandria Democratic Committee and Celia Slater. Great stuff, although I would really prefer a country where we didn’t have to hold rallies like these, because the scourge of gun violence was nothing other than a long, distant, bad memory.

“A Star is Born, a First Grader, age 7, Havana Chapman-Edwards (Biracial Bookworms), whose relative was a victim of gun violence.”

Virginia Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax

“Carmen Lodato, whose MOM Ruthanne Lodato, was fatally shot at her front door February 6, 2014.”

“Hundreds attending the #MomsDemandAction We Can End Gun Violence Rally in Old Town Alexandria”

Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax

Alexandria City Council Member Willie Bailey

Alexandria City Council Candidate Canek Aguirre

Alexandria City Council Candidate Mo Seifeldein

Alexandria City Council Member John Chapman

Alexandria Mayor Allison Silberberg

Former Alexandria Mayor Bill Euille and Current Vice Mayor Justin Wilson

Alexandria City Council Candidate Elizabeth Bennett-Parker

Alexandria City Council Member Del Pepper

Virginia Del. Kathy Tran (right)

Gun Violence Prevention Activist Barrett Fife

Moms Demand Action Activists

Alexandria City Council Members John Chapman and Willie Bailey; Del. Mark Levine

Alexandria City Council Members John Chapman and Willie Bailey

Wear Orange Community Partners

Delegates Rip Sullivan and Alfonso Lopez

Arlington County Board Member Christian Dorsey

Arlington Public School Board Chair Barbara Kanninen

Arlington County Board Member Christian Dorsey Addresses Crowd

Del. Patrick Hope Addresses Crowd

Arlington County Board Member Christian Dorsey, Del. Alfonso Lopez, Del. Mark Levine, Arlington School Board Chair Barbara Kanninen, Del. Patrick Hope, Arlington County Board Member Libby Garvey, Del. Rip Sullivan

NAACP Voter Registration Table at Arlington Gun Violence Prevention Rally

Arlington – People Rally Against Gun Violence

Arlington – People Rally Against Gun Violence

Arlington – People Rally Against Gun Violence

UPDATE: See below for some photos from Loudoun County.


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