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Virginia Delegates Turpin and Fowler Call on Virginia Beach City Council to Open An Independent Investigation Into VB Shooting


From Delegates Cheryl Turpin and Kelly Fowler:

Delegates Turpin and Fowler Call on Virginia Beach City Council to Open An Independent Investigation Into VB Shooting

Virginia Beach (June 25, 2019) – On Monday, Delegate Cheryl B. Turpin and Delegate Kelly Convirs Fowler sent letters to Virginia Beach Council Members asking the City Council to immediately open an independent investigation into the Virginia Beach Municipal Building shooting.

“As a teacher, who works in a public building and practices lockdowns with my students regularly we need to get as much information as possible to avoid these events occurring again. It is time for the Virginia Beach City Council to act so the legislature can have as much information before the special session as possible,” said Delegate Turpin, who represents the 85th District in Virginia Beach.

“Delegate Turpin and I will continue to stand with and advocate on behalf of the families who have suffered during this tragedy,” said Delegate Fowler. “We need an independent review of the policies, procedures, and events leading up to the shooting. The General Assembly must know every detail of the events leading up to the 31st, as these details may help save lives. We urge transparency and decisiveness from our fellow leaders without delay.”

The letter also cites the state investigation into the Charlottesville riot two years ago as an example of a municipality doing this before.

Kevin Martingale, representing the Nixon family has also requested Virginia Beach City Council to hire an independent counsel to investigate the tragedy to no avail.


Delegate Cheryl Turpin has represented Virginia Beach’s 85th District since January 2018 and has been a high school science teacher for over 20 years.  As a Delegate, Turpin stood up for what’s right and found ways for people to work together while staying true to their values. In the State Senate, Cheryl Turpin will prioritize healthcare, funding our public schools, and creating real opportunities for all families.


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