Home COVID-19 Virginia Senate Minority Leader Tommy Norment (R) Calls for Special Session…”limiting the...

Virginia Senate Minority Leader Tommy Norment (R) Calls for Special Session…”limiting the liability of employers” in Coronavirus Crisis

"You can't make this stuff up"


I mean, this *should* be beyond parody (see SEIU Virginia 512 President David Broder’s tweet, below), except for two things: 1) it’s Republicans (natch); 2) it’s corporate tool and all-around slimeball, Virginia Senate GOP leader Tommy Norment. Yes, this guy (“Senate Majority Leader Tommy Norment (R) Edited Yearbook ‘Filled with Racist Photos and Slurs'”)… this guy (“Pilot: Norment admitted to relationship with lobbyist in leaked letter”)…this guy (“Virginia’s ethical vaccum”). So what else would you expect? Anyway, Gov. Northam should tell Norment where to shove it.


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