Home 2019 Elections “We Take Care of Our Own”: The Antithesis of Romney/Ryan’s “Greed is...

“We Take Care of Our Own”: The Antithesis of Romney/Ryan’s “Greed is Good” Randian Nightmare Vision


Working class hero Bruce Springsteen will be campaigning for Barack Obama, and NOT – repeat NOT! – for Romney/Ryan, for very good reason: Democrats and progressives believe that we’re all in this together, that “no man is an island unto himself,” that our nation needs to take care of our own. In stark, stunning, horrifying contrast, Romney/Ryan and their fellow “Greed is Good” Ayn Randians believe that it’s dog eat dog, survival of the fittest richest and most powerful, every man for himself, that “I’ve got mine, so FU!” Which vision is more appealing to you? I know where I stand: with Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and of course with BRUUUUUUUCE!


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