Home 2020 Elections Virginia Labor Leaders Celebrate Labor Day, Praise Biden-Harris Ticket

Virginia Labor Leaders Celebrate Labor Day, Praise Biden-Harris Ticket


From the Biden/Harris campaign, which actually cares about working people, unlike Trump Republicans, who only care about big corporations and the super-rich.

September 7, 2020

Virginia Labor Leaders Celebrate Labor Day, Praise Biden-Harris Ticket

Today, labor leaders across Virginia are celebrating Labor Day and praising how a Biden-Harris Administration will fight for workers and their families. While Donald Trump has consistently attacked unions and worked to erode collective bargaining rights throughout his presidency, Joe Biden knows that unions built the middle class and deserve protections. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have a plan to build a stronger, more inclusive middle class by strengthening public and private sector unions and helping all workers bargain successfully for what they deserve.

Below are quotes in support of the Biden-Harris ticket from leaders of unions across  Virginia, including local chapters of the Steelworkers Union, SEIU, AFL-CIO, and IBEW:

“Joe Biden has always known that strong unions means better jobs and stronger communities. He has been committed to our values for decades and is committed on day-one to build an economy that works for everyone,” said Doris Crouse-Mays, President of Virginia AFL-CIO. “While Donald Trump’s tax cuts only serve himself and the richest people in America, Joe Biden’s plan to build back better will create good-paying jobs and create an economy that looks out for everyone willing to contribute. The Virginia AFL-CIO is excited to support Joe all the way to the presidency.”

“The USW is excited to stand with Joe Biden all the way to the presidency, because we know he wants to get our country back on the right path. But he wants to build back even better. And we know Joe as a long time friend and supporter of our workers and union. Now more than ever we need a president who will respect the rights of unions and continue to strengthen the economy as a whole. He knows that this starts with jobs, expanding access to healthcare, defending social security, and preserving and expanding labor rights and laws that protect American jobs,” said Charles Spivey, President of United Steelworkers Local 8888. 

“Working families need a champion who will fight for a better future for everyone,” said David Broder, President of SEIU Virginia 512. “Joe Biden has stood with workers his entire career. He understands that unions are the best way for workers to win fair wages, affordable health care and dignity on the job. That’s why the frontline home care and public service workers of SEIU Virginia 512 are proud to support Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. We know they will use these difficult times as an opportunity to build back better. Their plan to create good-paying union jobs for care workers is a bold vision to advance economic and racial justice, and it’s exactly what we need.”

“Joe Biden is the right choice for president,” said Jeffrey Rowe, Business Manager of IBEW Local 1340. “I was happy to see him endorsed by the IBEW and I support him more today than ever before. He has a long history of supporting working women and men all across this country, he’s not afraid to support unions and I’m certain he will stand up for IBEW members when he becomes president. Joe Biden knows that we need major improvements to our infrastructure, including clean energy projects and those infrastructure projects mean good union jobs. Joe Biden is showing our union members that he is a qualified leader by having a real plan and that plan is to Build Back Better!”

“Unlike any other, this Labor Day is a razor sharp reminder of the lost, not gained benefits and protections making life so difficult for working families, and our opportunity to reverse course this November,” said Jaime Contreras, Vice President of 32BJ SEIU, which represents over 175,00 workers along the East Coast, including nearly 7,000 throughout Northern Virginia. “Virginians must recognize they are still in a purple state where people’s lives and financial stability are counting on our vote, a duty not to be taken for granted.”


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