Home National Politics Audio: Rep. Scott Rigell Rips Rand Paul-Affiliated “National Association for Gun Rights”...

Audio: Rep. Scott Rigell Rips Rand Paul-Affiliated “National Association for Gun Rights” as “Scam”


The blockquote below is Rep. Scott Rigell sharing his views on the “National Association for Gun Rights”, “A group that fashions itself the conservative alternative to the National Rifle Association and uses Republican Sen. Rand Paul’s name and image in its fundraising appeals has longstanding ties to the Paul family, according to various corporate and campaign filings.” The group has attacked Scott Rigell, Eric Can’tor, and other Republicans for supposedly being “soft” on gun issues. That’s completely laughable, of course. Anyway, here’s Rep. Rigell.

…I’d never heard of them before, until they came in a little of a blitzkrieg approach in the second district. It’s a group that I think really does have a…even though on the surface they on the surface say they’re trying to defend our 2nd Amendment, I really see it as a perverse mission here, because they aren’t enhancing or elevating the thoughtful discussion or debate or, really, I don’t even think in some sense even protecting the 2nd Amendment. Because all they do is they just incite people, they truly do lie about people, I know because I’m on the receiving end of this. You know, we reached out to them, tried to meet with them, just to say do you not understand the facts, here’s what’s going on. It’s clear to me there’s groups on the harshest hard right and on the harshest hard left that truth doesn’t matter, and basically they’re a big scam fundraising machine is really all I can see…

Just one clarification from what Rigell said: in no way, shape or form is there equivalence between gun groups on the right and on the left. Why not? Because the ones on the “left” (they’re not even really on the left, which is why I put that in quotes) are in sync with the majority, in some cases the vast (e.g., 90%) majority of the American people, favoring universal background checks, restrictions on ammo magazines, and bans on certain “assault weapons.” Again, those are all positions supported by the majority, even vast majority, of Americans. They also are not “harsh” in any way, nor are they extreme. So spare us the bull**** false equivalence, Rep. Rigell, but other than that, you’re right on target (so to speak) when it comes to this crazy, extremist (even more so than the NRA, if that’s possible), Rand Paul-affiliated fundraising scam.


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