Home African Americans Virginia Republicans “Quote Dr. King on social media one day out of...

Virginia Republicans “Quote Dr. King on social media one day out of the year” while “liv[ing] a life that runs counter to his words and teachings the other 364”


The following Twitter exchange between Craig Melvin and Jamil Smith points out that it makes zero sense for people to “quote Dr. King on social media one day out of the year” while “liv[ing] a life that runs counter to his words and teachings the other 364.” And yet, as you can see from the following screenshots, Virginia Republicans do just that – quote and praise Dr. King on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, while opposing everything Dr. King stood for in his life, and in some cases – for instance, Reps. Rob Wittman (R-VA01), Ben Cline (R-VA06), and Morgan Griffith (R-VA09), all of whom signed on to an amicus brief that aimed to overturn the results of the Nov. 3 presidential election – attempting to erase the votes of tens of millions of Black and Brown people. Yes, these people are utterly shameless…


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