Home Social Issues Former RPV Chair Kate Obenshain: Planned Parenthood “Barbarians;” Colleges “Indoctrination Camps”

Former RPV Chair Kate Obenshain: Planned Parenthood “Barbarians;” Colleges “Indoctrination Camps”


Young America Foundation VP Kate Obenshain – formerly an “appointee of Governors George Allen and Jim Gilmore on the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia,”also “chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia from 2002 to 2006” and “Senator George Allen’s Chief of Staff for the remainder of his term in the U.S. Senate following the Senator’s loss” – speaks at the far-right-wing “Faith and Freedom Coalition” conference yesterday in Washington DC.

In this clip, Obenshain calls Planned Parenthood “barbarians” who are “promoting a barbaric philosophy.” She also claims that everythying on college campuses is “oriented towards promoting the billion dollar abortion industry…it’s not about the right of women to control their bodies, it’s about the right of Planned Parenthood to make billions and billions.” She concludes that “our college campuses are indoctrination camps for the abortion industry…that’s what it is.”

Of course, that’s not what college is about at all, nor is that what “sensitivity training” and everything else Obenshain’s ranting and raving about. But, like so many right wingnuts, Obenshain never lets facts and reality get in the way of her loony-tunes narrative.  


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