Video: McDonnell, Cuccinelli, Jackson, Obenshain React to Supreme Court Rulings on LGBT Equality


    I’ve been posting the (overwhelmingly ecstatic) reactions of Virginia Democrats to this morning’s Supreme Court rulings striking down the anti-LGBT “Defense of Marriage Act,” and tossing out the California anti-gay-marriage initiative. See here and here for those. In the spirit of fairness (and also because I’m in a very good mood right now, following this morning’s rulings, as well as President Obama’s excellent climate speech and Ed Markey’s victory in Massachusetts yesterday), I figured I’d present the reactions of leading Virginia Republicans – Bob McDonnell, Ken Cuccinelli, EW Jackson, and Mark Obenshain – to the rulings as well. With that, here they are.

    Yep, that’s it: the sound of crickets chirping: aka, dead silence. Of course, if you held these people’s virulent, homophobic views, but were losing big-time in terms of public opinion and the law on this subject (and many others), you might choose to keep your mouth shut as well.

    P.S. See the “flip” for Cuccinelli’s, Jackson’s, and Obenshain’s real views on homosexuality, and on LGBT equality. Too bad they didn’t keep their mouths shut in the past as well as the present…

    Ken Cuccinelli:

    “Homosexual acts are wrong. They’re intrinsically wrong.” [Virginian Pilot Editorial, 10/26/09]

    “When you look at the homosexual agenda, I cannot support something that I believe brings nothing but self-destruction, not only physically but of their soul.” [Washington Post, 2/05/08]

    E.W. Jackson:

    “I believe there is a direct connection” [between being gay and being a pedophile]. [Buzzfeed, 5/20/13]

    “Their minds are perverted, they’re frankly very sick people psychologically, mentally and emotionally and they see everything through the lens of homosexuality.” [Americans for Truth Radio, 10/19/12]

    Jackson describes his ideology as, “a particular worldview that every Christian for the most part who goes to church across this commonwealth shares: that marriage should be between one man and one woman.” [Washington Post, 5/20/13]

    Mark Obenshain:

    He claimed legal protections against LGBT discrimination would give “an avenue for filing lawsuits and grievances for perceived slights or for no perceived slight at all.” [Gay Lesbian Times, 2/18/10]

    Obenshain repeatedly voted against a ban on discrimination in state government based on sexual orientation. [Think Progress, 5/20/13]

    Obenshain authored Virginia’s law allowing state-funded discrimination. [SB1074, Legislative Information System]


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