Home 2019 Elections As Virginians Await Historic Ruling, Cuccinelli Continues Divisive Attacks on Equal Rights

As Virginians Await Historic Ruling, Cuccinelli Continues Divisive Attacks on Equal Rights


(UPDATE: The Supreme Court has struck down a key provision of the Defense of Marriage Act (good!) and has dismissed California’s Proposition 8 for lack of standing (also good, but not as far as I’d hoped it would go). See more in the comments section of this diary… – promoted by lowkell)

From the Democratic Party of Virginia:

Yesterday ABC News reported that Ken Cuccinelli led state Attorneys General to sign a letter suggesting that a Supreme Court decision overturning a gay marriage ban in California would somehow open the door to legalizing polygamy.

In response to Cuccinelli’s divisive rhetoric Virginia Senator Adam Ebbin and DPVA Chair Delegate Charniele Herring held a media conference call condemning the Attorney General’s attacks on equal rights.

“Ken Cuccinelli’s mean-spirited suggestion that legalizing gay marriage will somehow result in legalized polygamy is an example of how low he and his extreme allies would stoop to ensure that two adults, who love each other and happen to be gay or lesbian, remain second-class citizens in our country,” said Herring.

“Legalizing marriage for gay and lesbian couples is not any more likely to open the door for polygamy than it is to make the sky fall. If Ken Cuccinelli thought he could say that to scare people into advancing his extreme moral agenda, he probably would.”

Ebbin continued, “I’m extremely disappointed that Ken Cuccinelli spends our tax dollars and time on fear-mongering attacks on those who simply want the same rights as our fellow Americans and fellow Virginians have.

“While we don’t yet know how the court will rule, a couple things are clear. Legalizing gay marriage will not bring about some polygamist doomsday scenario, and electing Ken Cuccinelli would be a disaster for people who believe we are at our best when justice and equality are on the rise.”

To read more about Ken Cuccinelli’s dangerous anti-equality rhetoric click here.


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