Home GOP Video: Former Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-VA05) Says “We’re radicals in the Republican...

Video: Former Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-VA05) Says “We’re radicals in the Republican Party if we say ‘stop the steal’ was ridiculous”

Here in Virginia, "you have every gubernatorial candidate on the Republican side running on this"


Important words by former Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-VA05) on MSNBC yesterday:

  • “They say I’m a traitor, gone against the country…the first conspiracy theories were that I was being funded by George Soros to change the sexual orientation of children after I officiated that gay marriage. These conspiracy theories wrap hate, bigotry, ridiculousness, and insanity all in one…”
  •  “We’re radicals in the Republican Party if we say ‘stop the steal’ was ridiculous. Trump is the new establishment and…I don’t know if I have the words effectively for everyone to say, this is nuts.”
  • “And when you look at what’s happening here in Virginia, and you have every gubernatorial candidate on the Republican side running on this [‘stop the steal’, etc.], every single one of them…the GOP is here to stay with this element, it’s not going anywhere.”
  • If we don’t have people who are willing to run with integrity ask willing to tell the truth, we’re going to have a tough time.”


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