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VBA Debate: Cuccinelli Should Answer for Extreme Attacks on Gay and Lesbian Virginians


From the Democratic Party of Virginia:

At tomorrow’s Virginia Bar Association debate at the Homestead, Ken Cuccinelli should have to answer for his record of attacking gay and lesbian Virginians and the harm his extreme attacks have done to Virginia’s business environment.

“Ken Cuccinelli’s extreme preoccupation with attacking gay and lesbian Virginians is not only divisive and mean-spirited, it also damages our Commonwealth’s reputation as an open and inviting place to do business,” said DPVA spokesman Brian Coy. “At tomorrow’s debate Ken Cuccinelli should tell Virginians how he thinks demonizing Virginians and opposing equality could possibly lead to a stronger economy for the Commonwealth.”


HEADLINE: In Supreme Court Brief, Ken Cuccinelli Warned Of A Slippery Slope From Gay Marriage To Polygamy. In June 2013, ABC News reported, “Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli’s opposition to gay marriage is well established. But as the U.S. Supreme Court prepares to issue decisions on two major gay marriage cases this week, less well-known is his co-authorship, in January 2013, of a court brief that laid out an argument against the constitutionality of allowing same-sex couples to marry. In the amicus brief, Cuccinelli, the attorney general of Virginia, and Greg Zoeller, the attorney general or Indiana, used a novel justification to make their point in one section of the 55-page brief – namely that gay marriage could lead to polygamy.” [ABC News, 6/25/13]

Cuccinelli Warned against Gay Policy Agenda Starting With Equal Marriage Rights and Leading to HIV/AIDS Education. In February 2004, the Washington Times reported, “Mr. Cuccinelli and others worry recent protests on the topic are part of an overall strategy by homosexuals, who he thinks plan to ‘dismantle sodomy laws’ and ‘get education about homosexuals and AIDS in public schools.'” [Washington Times, 2/19/04]  

Cuccinelli Said Being Gay “Brings Nothing but Self-Destruction, No Only Physically But Of Their Soul.” He said, “When you look at the homosexual agenda, I cannot support something that I believe brings nothing but self-destruction, not only physically but of their soul.” [Washington Post, 2/05/08]

Cuccinelli: Homosexual Acts are “Intrinsically Wrong.” In October 2009, an editorial in the Virginian Pilot quoted Cuccinelli, “My view is that homosexual acts, not homosexuality, but homosexual acts are wrong. They’re intrinsically wrong. And I think in a natural law based country it’s appropriate to have policies that reflect that. … They don’t comport with natural law. I happen to think that it represents (to put it politely; I need my thesaurus to be polite) behavior that is not healthy to an individual and in aggregate is not healthy to society.” [Virginian Pilot Editorial, 10/26/09]

Cuccinelli: Homosexuality “In Aggregate is not healthy to Society.” He said, “I happen to think that it represents . . . behavior that is not healthy to an individual and in aggregate is not healthy to society.” [Washington Post, 10/29/09]

Cuccinelli: Society Should Not Condone Homosexuality “Because It Is Not Healthy for The Individual” He said, “That is not to say that public policy ought to encourage in any way that course, nor should it encourage it implicitly, because it is not healthy for the individual. It is not healthy for the society, never has been historically.” [Susan Baer, Washingtonian, April 2011]

Cuccinelli: Society Shouldn’t “Alter Our Law to Make People Feel Good.” He said, “As much as we want to include every individual in Virginia society and the whole society, we shouldn’t necessarily alter our law to make people feel good, be it about themselves or about any aspect of the community.” [Susan Baer, Washingtonian, April 2011]



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