Home National Politics Standing on Principles: What Progressive Democrats Stand For

Standing on Principles: What Progressive Democrats Stand For


What do progressives believe in?

• Moving forward, not backward.

• The right to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

• Equality before the law.

• Everyone (including the rich and corporations) paying their fair share.

• The right to a job (and protection from off-shoring) in exchange for a willingness to work.  

• Government has a role to play in solving intractable problems.

• Free public education is every American’s birthright.

• Affordable health care is a necessity, not a luxury.

• Protection of Social Security from privatization.

• Protection of water, air and other essential resources.

• Sound and honest stewardship of our economic resources and budgets.

• Protecting citizens/consumers  against corporate abuse and lack of good faith.

• Government should get out of the bedrooms and personal relationships of Americans.

• War is the last resort, not the first.

• The golden rule.

• We are our brother’s keeper.    


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