I mostly agree with the
Washington Kaplan Post on this one, “Gov. McDonnell’s transportation plans amount to a whimper.” However, I’d go a step further: it’s not just McDonnell’s transportation “plan” that registers “a barely audible ‘pffft’,” it’s his entire governorship so far.
Think about it for a minute. What has McDonnell accomplished in nearly a year as governor? Well, let’s see, his smoke-and-mirrors “plans” (who believed this crap?) for offshore oil drilling and privatizing ABC stores – major planks in his “plan” for “fixing” Virginia’s transportation mess – have completely crumbled to dust (as predicted). His corrupt Fred Malek-led “government reform” commission turned into a debacle, as predicted. He got slapped down on his attempt for two Metro board seats. He “balanced the budget” on the back of the Virginia Retirement System, federal “stimulus” money (which Republicans like McDonnell hypocritically claim to hate), and the usual funny Republican math. McDonnell also declared April as Confederate History Month, then was forced to quickly backtrack after a national uproar. McDonnell also has appointed corporate cronies to his cabinet and to boards, one of whom, Robert Sledd, helped kick off McDonnell’s administration with some rough…er, “Sledd-ing.” Finally, McDonnell’s Grand Inquisitor Attorney General (Cuccinelli as Savonarola, or vice versa?) has been busy running amok on anti-science witchhunts and the like, stealing all the right-wingnut thunder from McDonnell, and generally making McDonnell play second fiddle at best. This, in turn, has led a panic-stricken McDonnell’s desperate attempts to appear relevant, like “‘credit card’ Bob’s $3 billion dollar borrow-and-spend transportation mistake, 6,000% worse than his 47 million dollar’s worth of red ink for the now failed ABC-1 plan.”
All in all, it’s been quite a first year in office for Pat Robertson’s Manchurian Candidate Governor. Can he top it in 2011? It will be tough, but stay tuned, and watch as McDonnell’s second year most likely goes “pffft” as well.
P.S. It seems like Bob McDonnell should be the one crying, not John BONEr. Heh.
UPDATE: Whoops, I forgot McDonnell’s big accomplishment of year #1 — wooing and subsidizing Steven Spielberg, not to mention corporate welfare for the wine and tourism industries. Also, let’s not forget McDonnell’s triumphal claims of bringing jobs to Virginia via his pals at Northrop Grumman (again via large amounts of corporate welfare), all of which amounted to…yeah, you guessed it, cuts in Virginia jobs, plus a massive computer failure. Pffft…