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Video: Ken Cuccinelli Explains His “Reasoning” On Individual Mandate


Sen. Max Baucus explains why Ken Cuccinelli’s argument has no merit.  Here’s an excerpt:

I refer my colleagues to an article by Mark Hall, law professor at Wake Forest University. Professor Hall’s article is a comprehensive, peer-reviewed analysis of the constitutionality of a Federal individual responsibility requirement.

In it, Professor Hall concludes that there are no plausible Tenth Amendment or States’ rights issues arising from the imposition by Congress of an individual responsibility to maintain health coverage.

Professor Hall notes further that health care and health insurance both affect and are distributed through interstate commerce. And that gives Congress the power to legislate a coverage requirement using its Commerce Clause powers.

In other words, what Ken Cuccinelli is doing here is simply wasting everyone’s time and money. He’s also engaging in right-wing “judicial activism” of the sort he’d usually decry  when the shoe is on the other foot. In this case, it’s apparently ok, given that Cooch wants to push his own ideological agenda — whether on health care, the environment, abortion, homosexuality, or anything else.  Yeah, this is going to be a long four years.

UPDATE: The Democratic Party of Virginia has issued a statement. See after the “flip.” Thanks.

UPDATE #2: Bob McDonnell is 100% on board with Crazy Cooch. Is anyone surprised?

Yesterday, we witnessed a historic occasion: Congress passed the first comprehensive health care bill in American history. Thanks to this courageous action, Virginians — and all Americans — will be guaranteed high-quality, affordable health coverage.

Under this new bill, Virginians with pre-existing conditions will no longer be subject to insurance discrimination, Virginia small businesses will get tax credits to provide health care, and Virginia seniors will no longer fall victim to the Medicare ‘donut hole’ for needed prescriptions.

President Obama and our Congressional leaders deserve credit for this historic reform that will help thousands of Virginians. And this wouldn’t have happened without the strong and steady efforts of Virginia grassroots activists, including netroots, labor and advocacy organizations.

Unfortunately, our Republican state leaders like Ken Cuccinelli and Bob McDonnell are busy trying to throw up road blocks to reform.

The Office of the Attorney General should be the people’s law firm, not the piggy bank for Ken Cuccinelli’s political agenda. Attorney General Cuccinelli continues to waste Virginia taxpayers’ money at a record rate. Cuccinelli was elected to represent all Virginians as the state’s top lawyer, but instead he’s using our tax dollars to represent only the extreme political fringe of the Republican Party.

Ken Cuccinelli hasn’t lifted a finger to help Virginians struggling with unemployment, home foreclosures and predatory loans. Instead, he has filed two frivolous lawsuits against the federal government and tried to impose his political agenda on state colleges’ and universities’ non-discrimination statutes.

The Attorney General knows that this health care lawsuit is nothing but political theater. He ought to get back to doing the people’s business, and stop wasting our money.

AMERICA: Beautiful or “Never, Never Land”



QUESTION: What has been most devastating to American families, our Republic Society, our Middle Class and our national financial stability?

ANSWER: Our wars from 1775-2010, Our ever increasing Corporate Greed and Our Politicians corrupted by financial contributions from BIG Business.

To create “Change We Can Believe In” that will actually correct our course away from War, Corporate Greed and a bought and paid for Government, we need a seismic shift in our way of doing business.  K.I.S.S: An educated voter rejecting the status quo Conservative proclamation: everything’s RIGHT with “America the Beautiful.”  Face it, we’ve been played by politicians holding a hand dealt by Corporate handlers, from a stacked deck. It’s all in the marketing. It’s protective PR. It’s “Showtime.” While we’ve been rushed to judgment by media coverage regurgitating religious like belief in the perfection of all things America – The Greatest This, The Biggest That, The Best Whatever, in the shadows from which the puppeteers operate, we have been transformed into the land of screaming pundits, with societal fractions fighting a class war.  “We the People” have been cast in the role of minions doing the grunt work for overlords, while the Bush League offered up our youth as cannon fodder.  BUT don’t despair, for we outnumber the men to whom even Dick Cheney must genuflect. All we need is a little “Unity of Purpose,” a pause in the street-unwise partisan hype and a bit of historical education for Beauty to take on the Beast and fight the good fight!


A seismic change in our priorities & focus can result from  any  number of people acting out, “Enough.”  Think back thirty years past, when the Beef Industry suddenly raised the price of beef all across “the Land of the Free.”  Clearly the corporate fix was in. While it had taken a President to shame the Steel industry into reversing such betrayal of the American public, the cow people’s greedy plot was branded “Halt” by American Women with pioneer spirit, who without emails or National movement, purchased fish & chicken instead.  The Corporate cowboys got the message:  Don’t mess with Mother buying food for her family.   Wives, Mothers, girlfriends too, won the day by stopping an onslaught of beefer greed.  “Where’s the Beef” crabs backed away, looking to rustle up a Texas cowboy with an amoral Vice to serve up to the White House.  In 2000, they came back to town to take on the rebels and put “Home of the Brave,” down.

ROUND TWO: Identify the true enemies of American Freedom and the best method to eradicate them. Yes Al-Qaeda and Osama bin-Laden are a serious threat to us, but so are American based International Corporations & their political puppets. Sipping Southern Comfort like tea in their granite monuments to themselves, they look down on us from on high, as ants fighting over a crumb, amongst ourselves.  On the inside looking out, a smile then a grin reflect from within, their sheer delight at our plight; so well misdirected are we on their behalf, our fear and anger at each other make them laugh.  Dwellers in Corporate towers above, are the enemies of the State, playing monopoly until for us, it’s too late.  Like Brando in “The Formula” said, “We are the Arabs,” so why not Reagan in Lincoln’s bed.  Ignored until we vote in FDR, Kennedy or Barack, they hasten to tighten their money strings, conducting a chorus of talking point schemes.  Thus kept in line with media spin, it’s Never, Never Land for us again.

And The MONEY Makes THREE: Gather in ever increasing union, outside any Corporate Headquarters near you: BANKS, Pharmaceuticals, Health Insurers and Oil Companies.  Sing, hum or just stand silently with T-shirts and signs that let them see through their smoked mirrored Board Room windows, “We found you;” “We See You;” “We know who you are;” and “We Know What you Did.”  Following the example of Gandhi, King and the women who rolled back beef prices, each of us can cast a giant shadow on the secret powers.  Although, the corporate villains of United Health Group, Bank of America, Johnson & Johnson, AETNA, CITI, PFIZER, CIGNA, PNC, Abbott Labs, Wellpoint, Wells Fargo, and MERCK have many dollars in their bins, “We the People” are digging in for the count:  Census, Voting, sit and stand-ins.  No more buying from those who abuse our bottom line and trust.  Investing in those for whom we are more than a line item profit is what we must.


Even good men need help to surround themselves with the advice and input of honorable men, but sadly there is little honor for us to depend in Congressional Conservatives, The Supreme Court, Henry M. Paulson, Jr., Alan Greenspan, and possibly even Timothy F. Geithner. Perhaps it’s Never, Never Land again.  Even a good President like Barack Obama needs more than our vote. He needs our help to keep those who gave him 26 million away from the subject, long enough to get “America the Beautiful” back on track for Health Care democratically, in our Republic.  He needs too, all our emails, Congressional visits and calls, to renew his vision to provide the protection of  MEDICARE  For  ALL!

Giving HOPE a Helping Hand,

Marcello Rollando

A Reasonable Voice for a Rebirth of Our Humanity,

Freedoms, Honesty and the Rule of Law







Mark Warner on $5 Aspirin and the Health Care “Status Quo”


I certainly agree with Mark Warner that “there’s no free market in health care.” I also agree with him that, when it comes to our health care system, “the system is so broken…the status quo is gonna kill us.” Which, I’m pretty sure, is why Warner voted “yes” on health care reform.

Webb Statement on TRICARE and Health Care Reform


The following statement is from Jim Webb’s office. According to this article, the main purpose of Webb’s legislation is to “set the record straight,” because “here has been too much confusion about the effect of health care changes on Tricare.” In other words, Webb’s legislation will make doubly sure that Tricare is in good shape, even though there’s no indication that it isn’t.  

Today, Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) introduced a bill that would explicitly state in law that TRICARE and Department of Defense (DOD) nonappropriated fund (NAF) health plans meet the minimum essential coverage for individual health insurance required by the health care reform bill passed yesterday by the House of Representatives. While beneficiaries of these programs will already meet the minimum requirements for individual health insurance and will not be required to purchase additional coverage, the TRICARE Affirmation Act would provide clarification by changing the tax code to state it in law.

A companion bill, introduced by House Armed Services Committee Chairman Ike Skelton (D-MO), was approved by the House of Representatives Saturday by a vote of 403 to 0.

“There has been a great deal of confusion over the past year surrounding the future of TRICARE and other military health care programs,” said Senator Webb, who serves as chairman of the Personnel Subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Armed Services. “This bill sets the record straight, and I applaud Congressman Skelton for his efforts to see to the needs of our men and women in uniform and other beneficiaries. Supporting this bill will reassure our servicemembers that the coverage provided by TRICARE will be treated as minimal essential coverage under the health care reform bill when it is signed into law by the president.”

Continued Webb: “As one who grew up in the military, served as a Marine in Vietnam and spent five years in the Pentagon, I know the special obligation we have to provide our military service members, their families, and our veterans with the very finest health care coverage available.”

TRICARE, TRICARE for Life, and the DOD nonappropriated fund (NAF) provide health coverage to members of the military and their families, military retirees and their families, and employees of U.S. military post/base exchanges and other nonappropriated fund activities. Beneficiaries of TRICARE for Life and military veterans’ health care programs also satisfy requirements for individual health insurance under the health care reform bill and will not be required to purchase additional coverage.

For a copy of Senator Webb’s bill, visit: http://www.scribd.com/doc/2875…

Video: “Tom Perriello after historic health care vote”


Good work by Mike Stark on this. And, of course, great work by Tom “Conviction Politics” Perriello!

Also, check out the health care reform SUPPORTERS who greeted Tom Perriello as he walked outside after the vote last night. As Mike Stark writes, “You don’t hear much about these folks, do you?” Yeah, I guess it’s that “liberal media” (suuuuure) at work once again. Heh.

Stock Market Likes “Socialism?”


Does the stock market like “socialism?” Ha, well, it sure looks that way. Possibly because the health care reform legislation passed by the House last night is about as far from “socialism” as you can get. In fact, what “Obamacare” really does is expand the market for private insurance, which is probably why “Health stocks lifted the market Monday following House approval of an overhaul bill that would extend insurance to millions.” That’s also why there’s been opposition to this from people, mainly on the “left,” who believe in “single payer” or the “public option.” Go figure.

By the way, Republicans like Eric Can’tor and John “Boner” are 180-degrees wrong on this, not that they care. Still, it’s rather amusing to hear them wailing about “socialism,” “government takeover,” and “the death of private insurance” at the same time as private health care stocks shoot upwards.

Darth Obama Victorious!


Sierra Club: “Urge Sec. Salazar to Stop the Misguided Rush to Drill Virginia”


Please go to the Sierra Club’s petition and urge Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to facilitate offshore wind power development, not offshore oil drilling. Remind him that “[o]ur wind resources vastly exceed the energy potential of all the oil and gas thought to lie off our shores, without the huge risks to the environment, Navy and NASA operations that would accompany offshore drilling.” And, of course, let him know that “[o]ur precious Chesapeake Bay, our sensitive coastal wetlands, and our highly lucrative tourism and fishing industries are completely dependent on clean beaches and healthy ocean waters.”  Thanks.

Thank Them For Voting Yes!


Yesterday, Democrats took a historic vote that was  certainly the right thing to do, but which was difficult politically for many of them.  Now, it’s time for us to tell them – as Adam B writes on Daily Kos – that “when Democrats act courageously in the interests of our country, progressives will have their backs and support them.”  So, please give generously to the members on this list, particularly to Virginia’s own Tom Perriello. In addition, please call Tom and say “thank you!” at (202) 225-4711. To thank Gerry Connolly, call (202) 225-1492; to thank Bobby Scott, call (202) 225-8351, and to thank Jim Moran, call (202) 225-4376.  

What Does Health Insurance Reform’s Passage Mean?


I spent all weekend reading about nothing but the politics & process of health insurance reform. And that seems to be all the morning papers are focused on, too. I know journalists are neck deep in this stuff, but can’t they pull themselves out of the muck for one morning and explain what this health insurance reform bill means for real people?

What if you’re at the office coffee maker this morning & a coworker asks “Well, what does this thing DO anyway?” What should you say? Let’s try to cut through the clutter:

  • 40 million people who don’t have health insurance right now will get it thanks to this bill — 24 million through tax credits & new state-based exchanges and 16 million who earn less than 133% of the poverty line through their new Medicaid eligibility.
  • You can keep your health insurance when you get sick. Let that sink in. Also, your insurer won’t be able to demand you get prior approval before you go to the emergency room.
  • The bill will cut the deficit by $1.3 trillion over the next 20 years and include major cost savings through common sense steps, like Medicare changes intended to deliver care more efficiently and at a lower price.

What about the political implications? Again, let’s focus not on things like reconciliation that no one will remember a month from now, but on long-term impacts:

  • Republicans gambled on being able to obstruct this bill, ignoring policy and focusing solely on dealing Democrats a defeat — and lost. Badly. As David Frum first pointed out and Josh Marshall echoed this morning, if voters ultimately like this bill, Democrats will get 100% of the credit, and Scott Brown’s election may look less like the tip of the iceberg than the continuance of the GOP’s Ice Age.
  • It’s hard to overstate how much opposition Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid were able to overcome — not just from the Party of No, but from reluctant members of their own party, the right wing noise machine, and millions upon millions of dollars spent by groups like the Chamber of Commerce trying to kill reform.
  • The lasting image of the Republican opposition will be John Boehner trembling with rage and someone shouting “baby killer” because anti-abortion language was insufficiently draconian, all while refusing to condemn Tea Partiers who hurled epithets at anyone different from them. Good luck selling all that to independent voters this fall.

There’s plenty more to do, especially in the Senate, which has lagged behind the House, particularly on clean energy & climate and financial reform bills. And there’s the public option and immigration reform and deficit reduction and more. But that’s for another day.

In a town where Democrats so regularly have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, this is a day to celebrate. You may live a long and full and happy life and never see a greater progressive victory. Enjoy it.