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FRAUD, LIAR, DENIER: DNC Launches Ad Campaign Slamming Trump As the Greatest Threat to American Democracy


From the DNC:

FRAUD, LIAR, DENIER: DNC Launches Ad Campaign Slamming Trump As the Greatest Threat to American Democracy

The campaign includes homepage takeovers of the Philadelphia Inquirer, Arizona Republic, and Atlanta Journal-Constitution and will highlight Trump’s attempts to subvert our democracy in light of the SCOTUS immunity decision and in the lead up to July 4

In the aftermath of the Supreme Court decision in Trump v. United States once again underscoring the stakes of this election – dictatorship or democracy – today, the DNC launched a homepage takeover of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Philadelphia Inquirer, and Arizona Republic directing readers to a digital ad highlighting Trump as not only a fraud and a liar, but as the ultimate threat to our democracy.On the debate stage last week, Donald Trump once again refused to commit to accepting the results of November’s election when directly asked three separate times, and called the rioters who stormed the Capitol building on January 6 “people that are so innocent.” As Americans prepare to celebrate Independence Day, the DNC is underscoring for voters in key battleground states that our democracy is on the line in November.

DNC Communications Director Rosemary Boeglin issued the following statement:

“Donald Trump is an existential threat to our democracy. In the years since he encouraged a violent mob to storm our Capitol in an attempt to overturn the will of American voters, he has only become more unhinged in his plot for revenge and retribution. As Americans come together on Independence Day to celebrate the freedoms we hold dear and the democracy that generations of Americans have fought and died to protect, the choice before them is clear: dictatorship or democracy. This week, the DNC is reminding voters in critical battleground states that the only thing that stands between Donald Trump and our democracy is Joe Biden.”

Watch the full ad below:


Team Biden-Harris Raises $264 Million in Q2, Announces $240 Million Cash on Hand


From the Biden-Harris reelection campaign:

Team Biden-Harris Raises $264 Million in Q2, Announces $240 Million Cash on Hand

June’s $127 Million Haul is Best Fundraising Month of the Campaign

$38 Million Raised in the Four Days Following the First Presidential Debate

Today, Team Biden-Harris announced that it raised $264 million in the second quarter of 2024, pulling in $127 million in the month of June alone – the campaign’s best month of the cycle. This historic fundraising operation continues to be powered by a robust and growing grassroots operation, with more than half of the total amount raised in the second quarter coming from grassroots donors – a clear indication of the strong enthusiasm behind the Biden-Harris ticket. This second quarter haul is $75 million more than Team Biden-Harris’ raise in the first quarter of 2024.

The team is also reporting $240 million in cash on hand – up from $212 million last month. Over the course of the last three months, Team Biden-Harris grew its historic war chest while also significantly expanding its footprint and operations both in HQ and across the key states – the resources needed to win a close election.

June’s $127 million haul was not just Team Biden-Harris’ best month overall to-date – it was the strongest grassroots month to-date. Nearly two-thirds June’s raise came from grassroots donors, and of the $38 million raised in the final few days of the month, more than $30 million came from grassroots donations. Last Thursday was the best grassroots fundraising day of the campaign, and Friday was the second best. Nearly half of grassroots donations following the first presidential debate came from first-time donors to the campaign, bringing the total new grassroots donors in Q2 to more than 864,000 donors. Team Biden-Harris also now has 1.3 times more recurring donations than at this point in the 2020 cycle, and 95 percent of all donations are less than $200 – another proof point of strong, sustained grassroots support.

“Our Q2 fundraising haul is a testament to the committed and growing base of supporters standing firmly behind the President and Vice President and clear evidence that our voters understand the choice in this election between President Biden fighting for the American people and Donald Trump fighting for himself as a convicted felon,” said Biden-Harris 2024 Campaign Manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez. “President Biden is building a positive future for our country – where every American has a fair shot, our rights are protected, and our president fights to strengthen our democracy – not tear it apart. And on the other side, every single day, Trump becomes more unhinged and dangerous, whether he’s bragging about his role in overturning Roe or proudly and openly refusing to commit to accepting the results of this November’s election.

“This election will be close and the stakes couldn’t be higher – which is why today’s fundraising haul matters so much. It will ensure that we reach and mobilize the voters who will decide this election every single day.”

“Grassroots donors across the country are chipping in every day because they know that this election will determine the course of history,” said Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison. “From school teachers in Georgia to union workers in Pennsylvania, every dollar of this record-breaking fundraising haul is a vote for a stronger and fairer economy, for safeguarding our rights, and for the preservation of our democracy. In June, Democrats had their best fundraising month to date, and just last week, we had the best grassroots fundraising day of the campaign. These dollars will go to opening offices, hiring staff, and spreading Democrats’ message of hope — all of which will power Joe Biden and Kamala Harris back to the White House.”

Team Biden-Harris’ Grassroots Machine is strong and growing:

  • In Q2, 95% of all our donations were under $200 and more than 1.5 million donors made over 2.8 million contributions – with more than 864,000 donors making their first donation this cycle in Q2.
  • June was the campaign’s best grassroots fundraising month and includes its top two grassroots days ever, with nearly two-thirds coming from grassroots donors.
  • Team Biden-Harris also grew its sustaining donor base to 314,000 unique donors – more than 1.3 times as many as this point in 2020, and nearly 100,000 donors more than at the end of Q1.
  • President Biden’s grassroots active email list – still the largest in Democratic politics – grew by 11 million subscribers in Q2. Nearly 25% of this growth came from active email subscribers from 2020 re-engaging in the fight.
  • Grassroots fundraising contests featuring the President generated $12 million for the campaign in Q2, and direct-to-camera video creative featuring the President continues to be our top performing digital fundraising ads. These contests have become integral to the campaign’s ability to recruit new, first-time donors, and brought 200,000 new donors aboard in Q2 alone.

Team Biden-Harris’ War Chest is Going to Reaching The Voters Who Will Decide This Election:

Team Biden-Harris is investing this money – raised across Biden for President, the Democratic National Committee, and joint fundraising committees – in the important, decisive work to speak to the key voters in battleground states. Including:

  • More than 200 coordinated campaign offices and more than a thousand staff across the battleground states, including historic investments in training and reaching supporters across the country with new organizing tactics.
  • A $50 million paid media campaign for the month of June alone including historic investments in ad buys targeting LatinoBlackAANHPI, and Haley voters.
  • Major organizing pushes – including Black Voters for Biden-Harris and the recently launched campaign targeting Latino voters around Copa América – designed to reach out to the communities who will decide this election.
  • Just this past weekend, Team Biden-Harris held a massive mobilization blitz of over 1,500 events across the battlegrounds, marking the most successful organizing weekend of the campaign by far this cycle. Post-debate, across the battlegrounds, our rate of volunteer signups was more than three times as much as an average day.

Trump is running a campaign for his ultra-rich friends and corporations – not the American people:

Donald Trump is proudly selling the American people out to billionaire oil and gas executives to fund his campaign. Donald Trump’s fundraising continues to be fueled by his billionaire buddies donating max out checks and no amount of money will buy back all the time Trump’s campaign has wasted building battleground infrastructure. He’s selling America out, promising policy changes while begging for donations as he has spent as much as $83 million of everyday Americans’ money to pay his personal legal bills.

President Biden’s 2020 campaign raised over $1 billion, the most money of any presidential campaign in history, which included $700 million online driven by small-dollar donations – also the most in history. With President Biden at the top of the ticket, ActBlue saw over 133 million separate donations in the 2020 cycle with 71% being first-time donors.


Paid for by Biden for President

Tuesday News: “Justice Roberts’ Drone Strike on George Washington’s Legacy,” “blueprint for dictatorship”; “Biden says public must block Trump if Supreme Court will not”; “Trump Amplifies Calls to Jail Top Elected Officials, Invokes Military Tribunals”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Tuesday, July 2.

NEW: DCCC VA-02 Polling Shows Jen Kiggans’ Anti-Abortion Extremism Could Cost Her Seat


From the DCCC:

NEW: DCCC VA-02 Polling Shows Jen Kiggans’ Anti-Abortion Extremism Could Cost Her Her Seat

New reporting from NOTUS highlighting recent DCCC polling shows how Jen Kiggans’ war on women’s reproductive freedoms has put her on shaky ground against Missy Cotter Smasal.

The DCCC poll reveals that “once voters are briefed on Kiggans’ abortion positions, the race flips — with Cotter Smasal pulling in 50% and Kiggans getting 44%.”

Kiggans has a lengthy anti-abortion record in Congress, including voting “to reverse a Pentagon policy that provides abortion access for military members,” “taking issue with… policy allowing allowing service members to get reimbursement for travel if they need to cross state lines to obtain an abortion” – and even celebrating the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

DCCC Spokesperson Lauryn Fanguen:
“Jen Kiggans’ out-of-touch record of trying to take away women’s fundamental reproductive freedoms is coming back to haunt her. It’s clear that Coastal Virginians have grown tired of Kiggans’ anti-abortion crusade and Missy Cotter Smasal will continue to build the momentum and support to win this race.”

Read the full memo here.

In 2022, DCCC Analytics Polls were proven to be more accurate compared to public polling throughout the cycle. DCCC Analytics polls predicted the ultimate winner in 92% of polls in the final 60 days before Election Day.

Reactions to the Supreme Court’s “awful and dangerous ruling”: “American democracy is under homegrown attack”; the “survival of our nation as we know it…on the ballot”


See below for some reactions – including by Virginia politicians – to this morning’s horrendous ruling by 6 far-right Supreme Court Justices regarding the president supposedly having “absolute immunity” for “official acts,” however the hell those are defined.

First, as Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA11) puts it:

“American democracy is under homegrown attack. The Supreme Court has yet again intervened to protect Donald J. Trump – a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, and twice-impeached former President. This is a shameful decision, and one that will haunt us for years to come.”

Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA08) also nails it, writing that this was an “awful and dangerous ruling…that corrupts and fundamentally alters the constitutional order designed by our Founders.”

Sen. Tim Kaine weighs in on the “dangerous Supreme Court ruling” which “undermines a fundamental tenet of our democracy: that no one is above [the] law.”

Rep. Jennifer McClellan (D-VA04) says SCOTUS decision “sets a dangerous precedent for the future of our nation, eviscerates our system of checks and balances, and disregards the structural vision set forth by the Founders in the U.S. Constitution. It is a blatant threat to the very fabric of our democracy.”

Democratic lawyer Marc Elias warns that after this horrible ruling, “We are in real danger,” as Trump could, if reelected, “assassinate his political opponents as long as he cited a statute or constitutional provision for doing so.”

“Justice Sotomayor’s dissent is one of the most terrified and terrifying pieces of judicial writing I’ve ever encountered” – Mark Joseph Stern

“Justice Sotomayor’s dissent warning is unlike anything I’ve ever seen in a Supreme Court opinion.” – Neal Katyal

And no, as the brilliant Judd Legum notes, this is NOT a joke – “The Supreme Court just ruled that if the President ordered Seal Team 6 to assassinate his political opponent, he would be immune from criminal prosecution.” Essentially, the Supreme Court just gave Trump – if he’s elected president in November – “carte blanche…to do whatever he wants.” Shuddddderrr…

“Angry Staffer” says, correctly, that “this is an existential crisis,” with the very “survival of our nation as we know it…on the ballot.” Bottom line: “If you don’t vote blue in November, we are in for decades of democracy-altering opinions like this one.”

House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries says this Supreme Court decision, by six “extreme, far-right justices,”sets a dangerous precedent for the future of our nation.”

The stakes in the November election couldn’t be higher:

Video – New Biden-Harris Ad: “When You Get Knocked Down, You Get Back Up.”


From the Biden/Harris reelection campaign:

New Biden-Harris Ad: “When You Get Knocked Down, You Get Back Up.”

Today, Biden-Harris 2024 is launching a new ad titled “I Know,” featuring President Biden’s forceful remarks in North Carolina on Friday on the key difference in this election: between Donald Trump’s failed leadership and relentless lying and President Biden’s trademark honesty, character, and resilience. The ad closes with President Biden’s closing remarks from his North Carolina rally last Friday: “Like millions of Americans, I know when you get knocked down, you get back up.”

In the spot, President Biden takes aim at Trump’s lies on the debate stage, from the “great economy he created” to the “pandemic he botched,” and his biggest lie of trying to avoid responsibility for the insurrection he encouraged on January 6.

The ad puts a spotlight on the difference in character between the two men by lifting up President Biden’s concluding remarks from his Friday rally: He knows right from wrong, and he knows how to get big things done for the American people – which is exactly how he’s been able to make historic progress to lower costs, create good-paying jobs, and make our communities safer.

The 60-second spot, “I Know,” will air on TV and digital platforms across battleground states targeting key voting demographics. It will air on networks that over-index for a younger, more diverse audience, including ESPN, TNT, Bravo, FX, Freeform, and Comedy Central. The ad will also air on sports programming and other large-viewership moments like the Bachelorette season premiere. A 30-second version will run in tandem, exclusively on digital platforms.

The ad comes on the heels of Team Biden-Harris’ most successful organizing weekend of the campaign so far, which included a massive mobilization blitz with over 1,500 events across the battlegrounds. Since Thursday, supporters have contributed more than $33 million, of which $26 million is from grassroots donations. Nearly half of those grassroots donations were from first-time donors to the campaign this cycle.

The following is a statement from Biden-Harris 2024 Communications Director Michael Tyler:

“Americans deserve a president who doesn’t back down from a fight, and that’s Joe Biden. That is the spirit that this country was built upon, and it’s what President Biden carries with himself every single day in his job as Commander-in-Chief.

“Donald Trump stands against every value that our country stands for. He’s a liar, a crook, and he will always put himself first. The American people deserve better than Trump’s failed leadership and trademark lies, and this ad is just one more way we will be making the choice they will face at the ballot box this November all the more clear.”

Watch “I Know” Here

PRESIDENT BIDEN: Did you see Trump last night?

I mean this sincerely – the most lies told in a single debate.

He lied about the great economy he created.

He lied about the pandemic he botched.

And then, his biggest lie: He lied about how he had nothing to do with the insurrection on January 6.

We all saw it with our own eyes.

TRUMP: We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and I’ll be there with you.

PRESIDENT BIDEN: We saw police being attacked, the Capitol being ransacked. He did not a single thing to stop it. Nothing.

Folks, I know I’m not a young man. But I know how to do this job. I know right from wrong. I know how to tell the truth.

And I know, like millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down, you get back up.

PRESIDENT BIDEN: I’m Joe Biden and I approve this message.


Paid for by Biden for President

Monday News: “French parties rush to build anti-far right front”; “Historic, powerful Hurricane Beryl to hit Windward Islands”; “Supreme Court Set to Decide Trump’s Bid for Immunity”; “Biden’s Family Blame His Staff and Tell Him to Keep Fighting”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Monday, July 1.

Video: On MSNBC, Rep. Jennifer McClellan (D-VA04) Says That Trump’s “demeaning the Black community by saying that only certain jobs are available to them”


Rep. Jennifer McClellan (D-VA04) was on MSNBC’s “This Weekend” a bit earlier today. See below for video and highlights of what she had to say.

  • Thank you, I’m excited my ‘Black job’ brought me here.” (a sarcastic reference to Trump saying, “They’re taking Black jobs and they’re taking Hispanic jobs”)
  • “Well, first of all that [referring to “Black jobs,” etc.] is not the way to win votes from the Black community in Virginia. I think everybody is focused on his demeaning the Black community by saying that only certain jobs are available to them. But more importantly, his record as president was detrimental to the Black community, and Joe Biden has been working to improve the mess that [Trump] left in office. And I think a majority of Black and Latino voters are going to come out, particularly in Virginia, but all across the country, and vote for Joe Biden.”
  • “Well it’s clear that Glenn Youngkin is not a very good Governor. He’s spent his entire administration so far trying to run for president first. Now that he has nothing – no accomplishments to show for his time in office – he’s looking for the next job, I guess as vice president, but I think that that’s not going to happen.”
  • “Look, the only path forward is to continue with President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, not only on the ballot but in the White House. And I think one debate performance does not negate three years of the most consequential presidency in my memory, that brought us out of the ditch that Donald Trump’s administration put us in, that has made record investments in climate change, that is focused on the middle class. Look, all of this chatter is distracting from the fact that Donald Trump has no plan for the middle class, that he brags about the fact that he’s the architect of the fall of Roe – it’s had devastating consequences for women across this country – that he is going to be a dictator who goes after his political enemies for retribution from day one, and is distracting from the fact that Trump-appointed lawyers now for the third time in less than two years have set aside decades-old precedent to remake this country in a MAGA image. To me, that is what Democrats and Independents and moderate Republicans should be talking about and should be focused on – making sure we do everything within our power to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and send Donald Trump into retirement for good.”
  • “I would say the Republicans have been paying lip service to honoring our veterans, but when you look at their voting record in the House at least, they’ve voted to cut veteran services. And even for our active-duty military personnel, they’re not focusing on meeting their quality-of-life issues…You know, Donald Trump ridiculed the president for focusing on climate change, and yet he was not very far from the one place where we have the largest naval base in in the world that is facing sea-level rise at the fastest rate on the east coast. And so I think it’s just ridiculous that Trump would try to reach out to veterans and pay lip service, when his actions and his own rhetoric show that he doesn’t care about veterans.”

Sunday News: “Biden team worries as Macron’s election gamble looks doomed”; “To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race”; “What Biden owes his country if he stays in”; “Rewrite MLK? The Youngkin administration can’t be trusted with history.”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Sunday, June 30.

“Highlights” – OK, Yeah, They’re All LOWlights – From Yesterday’s Trump Rally in Chesapeake With MAGA Glenn Youngkin, Right-Wingnut Rep. Jen Kiggans (R-VA02), Extremist Hung Cao, etc.


Yesterday, convicted felon, insurrectionist, traitor, corrupt scumbag, rapist, etc. Donald Trump came to Chesapeake, Virginia and held a post-debate rally, attended by none other than our supposedly “moderate”/”normie Republican” Gov. Glenn Youngkin – now gone full MAGA; as well as supposedly “moderate” Rep. Jen Kiggans (R-VA02), who’s not in any way/shape/form a “moderate,” obviously; far-right-extremist Hung Cao; etc. See below for a few “highlights” – ok, yeah, they were ALL lowlights – from the fascist…er, Trump rally. And make sure you do everything you can to ensure that Virginia goes strongly for the Democratic ticket this November, and that it NEVER AGAIN elects anyone like Glenn Youngkin or Jen Kiggans.

Disgusting as always by Hung Cao

Literally the LAST thing America needs is being “save[d]” by authoritarian, anti-democracy extremists like Donald Trump and Hung Cao

It seems impossible that a human being can be this ignorant and stupid, but Trump manages to do so. Trump doesn’t understand that there are things called “batteries?” My god…

WTF is this crap? Apparently, Youngkin/Kiggans/Cao/etc. are totally cool with it, though.

State Senator Mamie Locke nails it:

Rep. Jen Kiggans (R-VA02) rallies with the felon, insurrectionist, traitor etc Also, reminder that there actually are “journalists” who falsely claimed that Jen Kiggans and Glenn Youngkin were “moderates”

Some of the worst people in Virginia right here – racist George Allen, corrupt “Taliban Bob” McDonnell, extremist Hung Cao, MAGA Glenn Youngkin, slimy Jen Kiggans…

Translation: Youngkin wants to replace American democracy with a dictatorship, implement the insane Project 2025, etc. But wait, you say, WaPo “journalists” told us he was a moderate!!!