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Video: Lieutenant Governor Candidate Aaron Rouse Releases Campaign Launch Video, “Know Me”


From State Sen. Aaron Rouse’s Lt. Governor campaign:

Lieutenant Governor Candidate Aaron Rouse releases campaign launch video

“Know Me” tells the story of Aaron Rouse and his path to becoming a State Senator and now a candidate for Lieutenant Governor

VIRGINIA BEACH – Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor, State Senator Aaron Rouse, releases his campaign launch video, “Know Me.” You can watch the full video here: https://x.com/aaronrouseva/status/1791061281224466601

The video features the Friendship Village neighborhood in the Seatack Community of Virginia Beach, where Rouse and his family grew up. It tells the story of the people in power taking away their neighborhood basketball court and not listening to the needs of all Virginians.

Rouse shares how his teachers lifted him up; how he was the first in his family to go to college; and that after his NFL career, he came back home, served the city on Virginia Beach City Council, and fought for a new park and basketball court for Friendship Village. Then, he ran for the Virginia Senate to protect reproductive freedom in Virginia (and won!). Now he’s running for Lieutenant Governor to be a voice for all Virginians, from Abingdon to Arlington and everywhere in between.

The video will serve as the centerpiece of an extensive digital advertising campaign that began this morning.

Thursday News: “Who is Robert Fico, the Slovakian prime minister who was shot?”; “Trump trial resumes with more critical Cohen testimony”; “Why Biden’s Debates With Trump Could Be His Meal Ticket”; Trump Still Thinks Puppy-Killing Psycho Noem Is “Terrific”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Thursday, May 16.

Six Ways That MAGA Republicans Are Attacking Women’s Health


From Protect Our Care:

Six Ways That MAGA Republicans Are Attacking Women’s Health

Attacks on women’s health care from MAGA Republicans have skyrocketed in the year since Roe v. Wade was overturned. As a result, access to reproductive care is in turmoil for millions of women across the country. From banning abortion to fighting measures to combat maternal mortality, Republicans have done nothing but limit access to essential care for women. As we recognize Women’s Health Week, we must hold them accountable. Here are six ways that Republicans are waging war on women’s health care:

1.   Attacking Reproductive Health. One year ago Donald Trump’s appointees to the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and the consequences for women’s health have been catastrophic, from cruel and archaic abortion bans to devastating uncertainty about access to IVF and other reproductive care. If MAGA Republicans get their way, there will be even more extreme judicial appointments and an all-out push to use the Comstock Act to create a de facto national

ban on abortion and sharply limit access to medications. Republicans, including at least 67 members of Congress and 22 Republican attorneys general, are battling in court right now to rescind the FDA’s approval of mifepristone, a safe and effective medication essential for abortion access.

Beyond abortion bans, Republicans have a long history of attempts to limit access to contraceptives and family planning. The Affordable Care Act’s contraception coverage requirement has drastically improved health care access and affordability for millions of women. The benefits have reached far and wide — improving health outcomes and sharply cutting out-of-pocket costs. Despite the overwhelming success of the ACA’s contraception coverage, Republicans have attempted to eliminate this essential care year after year through legislation and litigation.

2.   Destroying And Sabotaging The ACA. Republicans want to take us back to a time when being a woman was a pre-existing condition. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, millions of women have gained coverage and critical protections. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) prevents insurers from denying, dropping or charging more due to a pre-existing condition, such as cancer or even a C-section. It also bans insurers from charging women higher rates than men.

Republicans have spent years taking dozens of failed votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act. They have also taken their fight to overturn the ACA to the Supreme Court and failed all three times. This year extremists are still challenging a provision of the ACA that requires insurers to cover lifesaving preventive services for free. The case, known as Braidwood v. Becerra, is set to be decided by a panel of judges from the the MAGA-packed Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.

During his first term, Donald Trump notoriously tried and failed multiple times to repeal the ACA, and throughout his 2024 campaign Trump has repeatedly reignited his calls to “terminate” the Affordable Care Act, which he claims is a “disaster.” The ACA made enormous strides for women’s health. By taking these actions, Republicans are fighting to strip protections from women that provide access to lifesaving care.

3.   Repealing The Inflation Reduction Act. Women are 1.3 times more likely to say they have skipped or postponed getting the health care they need due to cost. The Inflation Reduction Act is saving millions of women thousands of dollars on health care by holding big pharmaceutical companies accountable and bringing down the cost of prescription drugs, making health care plans more affordable with premium tax credit subsidies, and capping the price of insulin at $35 per month for Medicare Part D beneficiaries. Despite all this progress, Donald Trump claims that the Inflation Reduction Act is “not helping you at all” and MAGA Republicans in Congress are seeking to dismantle the law and its provisions making prescription drugs and health care premiums more affordable for tens of millions of Americans.

4.   Waging a War on Medicaid. Medicaid is an essential source of coverage for women and children. More than 18 million, or nearly 1 in 5, adult women are enrolled in Medicaid. Approximately 40 million, or half of all children in the U.S., are enrolled in Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Medicaid coverage brings affordable care and financial security to women and families.

Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress are itching for a renewed war on Medicaid. The latest proposals from the Republican Study Committee and the Trump team-in-waiting at the Heritage Foundation would throw millions of people off their coverage through block granting and burdensome work reporting requirements. Almost two-thirds, or 62 percent, of those who would lose their Medicaid coverage as a result of work requirements, are women and disproportionately women of color.

5.   Blocking Improvements In Maternal Health. American women suffer appalling rates of maternal mortality. The solutions to this devastating problem are well within reach. However, Congressional Republicans simply refuse to take action, and at times, actively fight against lifesaving measures, such as extending postpartum Medicaid coverage. In 2021, not a single Republican member of the House voted for legislation that included the Black Maternal Health Momnibus Act, which is essential to addressing this ongoing crisis. The Biden-Harris Administration has established a pathway to coverage, providing states the opportunity to extend postpartum coverage under Medicaid from 60 days to 12 months following birth. Currently, 47 states have elected to extend Medicaid coverage for a full year postpartum with only Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, and Wisconsin as the remaining holdouts.

6.   Promoting Health Care Discrimination Against Women And LGBTQ People. The Trump administration took multiple steps to make it harder for women, people of color, and LGBTQ Americans to access health care. For example, in August 2019, the Trump administration began enforcing a rule that bars certain federally-funded clinics from referring women for abortions. As a result, the nation’s largest recipient of Title X funds, Planned Parenthood, was forced to exit the program, losing $60 million in funding previously used to provide birth control and reproductive health care services for low-income women. Trump also tried to make it easier for LGBTQ Americans to be discriminated against in health care settings and allowed providers to refuse patient care on the basis of the provider’s personal beliefs, a move that undermined access to care for patients who already face health care disparities. The Biden administration is now fighting in court against Republicans in the state of Florida and Texas to reverse these discriminatory policies.


Protect Our Care is dedicated to making high-quality, affordable and equitable health care a right, and not a privilege, for everyone in America. We educate the public, influence policy, support health care champions and hold politicians accountable. We fight to expand access to affordable, high-quality health insurance, lower the cost of health care for individuals and families, and reduce inequities in health care based on gender, income, race, ethnicity, geography, or sexual preference.

The Cost of Monopoly in Healthcare – Sen. Tim Kaine and Rep. Abigail Spanberger Offer a Solution


by Eric Payne, a long-time Virginia Democratic activist and leader based in Richmond

On April 30, the Senate Finance Committee convened to address the recent cyberattack on UnitedHealth Group’s subsidiary, Change Healthcare. While this breach will be under scrutiny, it’s imperative to acknowledge a larger issue at hand: UnitedHealth Group’s detrimental impact on healthcare affordability.

UnitedHealth Group (UHG), the world’s largest private health insurer, boasts staggering profits, reaching $8.5 billion in Q1 of 2024 alone. However, behind these astronomical figures lies a company wielding immense control over various sectors of healthcare. With subsidiaries spanning pharmacy benefit management (PBM), health technology, and more, UHG exercises monopolistic authority, dictating patient access and healthcare costs.

UHG’s Optum Rx unit, alongside competitors like CVS/Aetna and Cigna’s Express Scripts, controls 80% of the PBM market. This dominance translates to unchecked power in setting drug prices, exacerbating the financial burden on patients already struggling with exorbitant healthcare costs.

The exponential growth of UHG over the past decade further compounds these issues. Revenue has tripled, driven by aggressive expansion into health delivery and government programs. Optum Rx, the company’s flagship division, saw a staggering 445% increase in revenue, reaching $61.1 billion in the last quarter. Such rapid expansion consolidates UHG’s grip on healthcare, with repercussions for patients nationwide.

Patients bear the brunt of this market power, facing escalating out-of-pocket costs while UHG pockets substantial rebates meant for patients.  This lack of accountability underscores the urgent need to hold UHG and other industry giants accountable for their role in driving up healthcare costs.

In Virginia, recent findings from a state-commissioned report on Medicaid revealed a startling reality: Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) are pocketing $29 million through spread pricing. This is in addition to incalculable excess profits due to their monopolistic market power. This revelation underscores the depth of the issue, with PBMs exploiting their position to siphon off significant sums intended for patient care. As in some states, the Virginia General Assembly has considered legislation to address these issues, but no meaningful action has passed.

Amidst this backdrop, U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger (D-VA07)’s and Senator Tim Kaine’s bipartisan efforts, notably the DRUG Act (Delinking Revenue from Unfair Gouging), gain even greater significance. The DRUG Act, co-sponsored by Spanberger in the House and Kaine in the Senate, seeks to increase transparency and competition in the pharmaceutical market, effectively challenging the stranglehold that companies like UnitedHealth Group (UHG) maintain over drug prices. As discussions unfold in the Senate Finance Committee, it’s imperative to integrate initiatives like the DRUG Act into broader reforms, ensuring that the healthcare system serves the needs of patients, not corporate interests.

Rep. Jen Kiggans (R-VA02)’s History of Voting to Defund Law Enforcement


From the DCCC:

Jen Kiggans’ History of Voting to Defund Law Enforcement

Since taking the majority, Jen Kiggans and House Republicans have gone out of their way to defund local and federal law enforcement.

Every single vulnerable House Republican – including Jen Kiggans – voted for the ‘Default on America Act.’ This dangerous legislation would have cut up to $10 billion from federal law enforcement agencies and jeopardized nearly 30,000 jobs. These cuts would have included:

  • $2.8 billion from the FBI budget, resulting in the loss of 11,000 agents, analysts, and staff.
  • $162 million from the Capitol Police budget, resulting in the loss of 600 sworn officers.
  • $580 million from Federal Prosecutors in charge of prosecuting hate crimes, terrorism and more, resulting in the loss of 3,400 prosecutors and staff.
  • An average cut of $30,000 in federal grant money to local law enforcement agencies across the country.

Jen Kiggans would like you to forget that she has abandoned the brave men and women who keep our communities safe. 

DCCC Spokesperson Lauryn Fanguen:
“Jen Kiggans has a history of voting for reckless and dangerous cuts to law enforcement that would make our communities less safe – no amount of talk and political stunts can change that.”


Wednesday News: “White House Worries Russia’s Momentum Is Changing Trajectory of Ukraine War”; Speaker Mike Johnson Disgracefully Attacks U.S. System of Justice, Democracy; Michael Cohen “established a genuine human bond with the jury”; “Alsobrooks pulls off stunning win in Maryland Democratic Senate primary”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, May 15.

New Ad Slams Trump’s Health Care Failures for Black Americans


From President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign:

New Ad Slams Trump’s Health Care Failures for Black Americans

Under Trump: “Hundreds of thousands of Black Americans lost health care.”

Today, Biden-Harris 2024 is launching a new television ad, “Failure” which outlines how President Biden is delivering after Donald Trump tried to rip away healthcare from hundreds of thousands of Black Americans during his time in the Oval Office.

As bad as Trump’s presidency was for Black Americans, a second term would  be even more devastating. Trump has continuously threatened to terminate the Affordable Care Act, which would drive up health care costs and nearly double the Black uninsured rate with an estimated 3.1 million Black Americans losing their health care. And, he’s threatening to roll back the Inflation Reduction Act, which would drive insulin costs back up after President Biden capped the cost at $35 per month for seniors. As president, Joe Biden has protected the Affordable Care Act from repeated MAGA attacks and expanded access. President Biden’s efforts have resulted in more Black families being covered than ever before, lowered health care premiums and lowered costs of prescription drugs.

This ad will run as part of a new $14 million campaign for the month of May and will air on TV on ESPN, VH1, BET, OWN network and on TNT during the NBA playoffs. This ad buy is a part of Team Biden-Harris 2024’s May push to ramp up investments to bolster its existing, historic efforts to reach the voters that will decide this election. It also comes one day after the launch of Health Care Providers for Biden-Harris, a national organizing program engaging doctors, nurses, and other health care leaders and providers in mobilizing Black, Latino, and middle-class families, and seniors.

The following is a statement from Biden-Harris 2024 Principal Deputy Campaign Manager Quentin Fulks on the new ad:

“Since Black voters sent Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House in 2020, they have worked day in and day out to protect the health care of millions of Black Americans and lower health care costs for our community. Whether it was his inability to lead us through the COVID-19 pandemic, or his repeated attempts to rip away health care from millions, Donald Trump was a complete failure for Black America.  A second term would be even more disastrous. The stakes are too high for Black voters this election to allow Trump to step foot back in the Oval Office. That’s why, throughout the month of May, our campaign is continuing efforts to reach Black voter’s earlier, more often and more aggressively than any other reelection campaign in history.”



Paid for by Biden for President

NEW AD: Biden-Harris 2024 Launches “Dime Con Quién” Underscoring Health Care Stakes of the 2024 Election for Latinos  


From President Joe Biden’s’ reelection campaign:

NEW AD: Biden-Harris 2024 Launches “Dime Con Quién” Underscoring Health Care Stakes of the 2024 Election for Latinos  

Today, Biden-Harris 2024 is launching a new television ad, “Dime Con Quién,” that underscores the stakes of this election when it comes to health care access and affordability for Latinos.

This ad comes on the heels of the launch of Health Care Providers for Biden-Harris, a national organizing program engaging doctors, nurses, and other health care leaders and providers in mobilizing Black, Latino, and middle-class families, and seniors who have so much at stake in this election, as Donald Trump threatens to rip away their health care and kick nearly 4.3 million Latinos off their health care plans while driving up insurance prices and prescription drug costs for seniors.

President Biden has delivered affordable, quality health care for Latino working families:

  • Before the ACA, more than 4-in-10 Latinos were uninsured
  • Now, more than three-quarters of Latinos have health coverage
  • Made health care plans more affordable with lower premium costs for millions of Americans
  • Lowering prescription drug costs and capped the cost of insulin for seniors

If Donald Trump wins in November, Latinos and their health care will suffer:

  • 4.3 million Latinos would lose coverage if Trump successfully repeals the ACA
  • And the number of uninsured Latinos would skyrocket to more than 30 percent.

This ad will run as part of a new $14 million campaign for the month of May and will air on digital platforms targeting Latinos in battleground states. This ad buy is a part of Team Biden-Harris 2024’s May push to ramp up investments to bolster its existing, historic efforts to reach the voters who will decide this election.

The following is a statement from Biden-Harris 2024 Campaign Manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez on the new ad:

“For Latino communities already facing health care disparities, this election isn’t just about politics – it’s about survival. Latinos deserve a president who is fighting to make health care better and more affordable – and that’s exactly what President Biden has focused on in his first term. All of that is on the line if Trump ever sets foot in the White House again. His campaign for revenge and retribution means millions of Latinos and working families would lose their health insurance, while health care costs and the cost of prescription drugs would shoot through the roof in order to benefit his Big Pharma donors. With so much at stake, our campaign is putting in the work early to communicate the dire stakes for Latinos this election, and the choice between President Biden who is fighting for us, vs Trump, who will make it his mission to take away our health care. Worse care, higher costs, and devastation for working families – that is Trump’s plan for Latinos in a second term.”

WATCH “Dime Con Quién” HERE


Paid for by Biden for President

Tuesday News: “Blinken visits Ukraine as Russian forces step up Kharkiv assault”; NY Case “Cuts to the Core of Who Trump Is”; “Killing Dogs. Taunting the Homeless. Praising Al Capone. This Is Trump’s Party.”; Youngkin Signs 2-Year Budget


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Tuesday, May 14.

VA Senate Democrats Issue Statement on Passage (on a 39-1 vote) of 2024 Biennium Budget


From the Virginia Senate Democratic Caucus:

Senate Democrats Issue Statement on Passage of 2024 Biennium Budget

RICHMOND, VA – This afternoon, the Virginia General Assembly voted on the groundbreaking Biennium budget. This historic, bipartisan budget features record-breaking investments in education, behavioral health services, and transportation. Passed with overwhelming bipartisan support on a 39—1 vote, this budget represents a unified commitment to Virginia’s future. Senate Democrats budget conferees have released the following statements:

“This budget is a testament to our dedication and determination. We’ve crafted a budget that truly serves all Virginians, addressing their needs and aspirations. From bolstering education to enhancing public health and modernizing infrastructure, every decision was made with the well-being of our communities at the forefront. We’re not just responding to today’s challenges; we’re building a brighter, more equitable future for everyone in the Commonwealth. This budget is a resounding win for Virginia, setting the stage for prosperity and progress for years to come,” said Senate Finance and Appropriations Chair L. Louise Lucas.

“Education is the cornerstone of our future, and this budget makes historic investments in both K-12 and higher education. By dedicating over $2 billion in direct aid to K-12 schools and significantly boosting funding for colleges and universities, we’re ensuring that every student in Virginia has access to top-tier education. These investments not only elevate educational outcomes but also prepare our young people to thrive in a competitive world. We’re laying the groundwork for a stronger, more innovative Virginia, poised to lead and excel in the years to come. This budget is a game-changer for our educational landscape and a monumental win for our state’s future,” said Senate Democrats Chair Mamie Locke.

“This budget prioritizes the wellness of all Virginians by making substantial investments in behavioral and mental health services. With nearly $2 billion in increased funding, we’re focusing on early intervention, especially in schools, and expanding access to telehealth services. These initiatives ensure that mental health support is available to every Virginian, no matter where they live. We’re committed to tackling public health challenges head-on, reducing long-term societal costs, and fostering a healthier, more resilient Commonwealth. This budget is a step towards a brighter, healthier future for Virginia,” said Senator Creigh Deeds.

“This budget makes transformative investments in Virginia’s transportation infrastructure, ensuring safer and more efficient travel for all. With over $6 billion allocated for road and bridge improvements, and significant funding directed towards modernizing public transit, we’re committed to connecting our communities and driving economic growth. This budget paves the way for a more connected, accessible, and forward-thinking Commonwealth. It’s a bold step towards a future where every corner of Virginia thrives,” Said Senator Jennifer Boysko.


UPDATE: See below for a statement from Freedom Virginia

Five Key Takeaways on the Newly Passed 2024-2026 Biennial State Budget

The General Assembly voted today to accept the budget deal reached by Governor Youngkin and conferees. While the governor’s decision to block the bipartisan budget sent to his desk could have led to a government shutdown, Democrats both averted the crisis and successfully fought to ensure the most pernicious provisions of the governor’s original budget did not end up in the final deal.

Here are five key takeaways on the budget that was passed today:

 1.  No State Sales Tax Rate Increase

The budget that Governor Youngkin proposed in December would have raised the state sales tax rate from 4.3% to 5.1%. Democrats opposed this regressive tax, which would have hit working families harder than the ultra-wealthy. Democrats successfully fought to ensure there would be no increase in the state sales tax rate in the budget.

 2.  No Tax Giveaways for the Ultra-Wealthy

Governor Youngkin’s December budget included tax giveaways for the ultra-wealthy. His total tax package would have resulted in a nearly $10,000 handout for the wealthiest 1 percent, while raising overall taxes on hardworking people making under $58,000 per year. Democrats successfully fought to defeat this tax scheme.

  3.  Rejects Youngkin’s $300 Million Cut to Public Schools

Gov. Youngkin’s December budget would have slashed funding for public K-12 schools by nearly $300 million compared to current levels. The budget passed today preserves that funding and includes the state’s portion of a 3% pay increase for school employees each year.

 4.   Gives Up Billions in RGGI Funds, Putting Further Strain on Future Budgets

By failing to include Virginia’s participation in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative in the state budget, the General Assembly is giving up billions of dollars of funding for resilience projects in coming years. The loss of that money will put further strain on the General Fund, jeopardizing resources for other priorities, including public schools.

 5.   Does Not Close the Big Tech Loophole, as Gov. Youngkin Had Proposed

The governor flip-flopped on his initial proposal to close what he called “the Big Tech loophole” in December. Youngkin evidently did not believe corporations should have to pay their fair share. The final deal does not close the loophole, resulting in $169 million less in direct aid to schools compared to the bipartisan budget passed in March. Rural schools and schools serving families with lower incomes would have benefited the most from that funding had it been included.

Freedom Virginia Executive Director Rhena Hicks issued the following statement:

“This budget makes significant investments in K-12 public schools, health care and other critical priorities, due to Democratic legislators’ work in fighting to include these investments. Compared to the Governor’s proposed budget in December, this budget includes more funding for public schools, teacher pay and critical health programs. Democrats prevented the governor’s proposed cuts to education, and defeated his tax scheme that would have raised taxes on hardworking people while giving handouts to the ultra-wealthy.

“The fact remains that Governor Youngkin blocked a bipartisan budget because he did not want corporations to pay their fair share to fund our schools, and now our rural schools in particular are missing out on that investment. Governor Youngkin also blocked progress on affordability by vetoing a Paid Family and Medical Leave program and a Prescription Drug Affordability Board. And he stood with big corporations and special interests in refusing to continue the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which will further impact Virginia’s fiscal health. Virginia’s tax code remains unfair and our schools remain underfunded. There is a lot of work ahead to ensure millionaires pay their fair share and hardworking families can keep more of what they earn.”

Freedom Virginia is a nonpartisan 501(c)4 organization committed to building a Commonwealth where all Virginia families have the freedom to thrive. Freedom Virginia advances economic security policies through grassroots activism, voter engagement and legislative advocacy. Our efforts began in 2020 and since then we’ve pushed for a more economically secure Virginia by sharing real stories about Virginians’ lack of access to affordable healthcare, education, energy, and the need for policies that foster more safety for families. Visit our website at freedomva.org to learn more.