Let’s Crash Cuccinelli’s Tea Party!


    It’s time that we show Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli and my General Assembly colleagues what we think of Cuccinelli’s far-right behavior.

    Join us for a rally on the day of the GA’s annual Veto Session:

    Wednesday, April 21, 10:00am – 1:00pm

    Capitol Square Bell Tower

    900 E. Broad Street


    Cuccinelli has told Virginia’s colleges and universities that they must stop protecting LGBT students and staff with non-discrimination policies. He hides behind convoluted and false legal contortions.

    Cuccinelli has filed multiple lawsuits against the Federal Government to stop clean air regulations and health care for the uninsured. In a time of budgetary crisis do we want taxpayer dollars wasted on his tea party lawsuits?

    He has been successful in making Virginia a punchline on the Daily Show–but we’d like him to focus on the real duties of the Attorney General. Being our top consumer advocate and helping see that criminals are locked up.

    Let us know if you can come, whether you can join us in-person or will just be there in spirit: http://adamebbin.com/?page_id=184


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