Home Virginia Politics Susan Mariner Visits the 5th CD, Will Campaign for Degner and Brown

Susan Mariner Visits the 5th CD, Will Campaign for Degner and Brown


The following email discusses the latest, superb work by Susan Mariner for Virginia Democrats. Anyone who knows Susan realizes that this is just par for the course, as Susan has always been a tireless worker with boundless enthusiasm and energy. Among many other reasons, that’s why Susan is the person best qualified (by far) to be the next 1st Vice Chair of DPVA. See here for more information, and please make sure to tell every Central Committee member you know to vote for Susan next Saturday! Thanks.

TAKING the TIME to LISTEN and LEARN:  Visiting the 5th Congressional District

Yesterday I spent a wonderful day with Democrats in the 5th Congressional District, home of now official Democratic nominee in the 5th, Congressman Tom Perriello.   The 5th CD nominating convention was a great success, and I was inspired by the positive energy and unity of purpose of the delegates in the room.  On a less significant but also happy note, I loved getting a Perriello bumper sticker for my car.

Though I am not a resident of the 5th CD, I stand firmly with the delegates at the Convention in saying that we MUST re-elect Tom Perriello this year!  

In the many conversations I had with convention goers yesterday (including with many Central Committee members) about what the DPVA needed to do to help Tom in office this election cycle, one message I heard repeated over and over again is that they need help from the DPVA in educating voters, including many who voted for the first time in 2008.  We discussed the special challenges of campaigning in a mostly rural district and talked about specific strategies that the DPVA could employ to help build the Party for the long term in the 5th CD.  

More after the “flip”


(Susan Mariner with Central Committee members Phil Burnette of Martinsville and Annette Tucker of Mecklenburg County)

Democrats in the 5th CD were glad I invested the time to come from Virginia Beach to ask them directly what they needed, and I am committed to doing that across the state.  If elected as DPVA 1st Vice Chair, I will regularly and actively seek out the advice and wisdom of State Central Committee members, Democratic Committee Chairs, elected officials and their staff, and Democratic Party volunteers across the Commonwealth.  This will mean a substantial commitment of time.  And I am making that commitment to you now.


In addition to my visit to the 5th CD, since deciding to run two weeks ago, I’ve made trips to other Congressional districts as well.

I’ve traveled to the 8th, 10th, and 11th CD’s.  This week I journeyed to the Democratic battleground of Loudoun County to learn from their Democratic Committee members.  I’ve also met and spoken with Democrats in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Congressional Districts.  To my friends in the Fighting 9th, I’ll be visiting with you before too long as well.

After Saturday’s Juneteenth luncheon I’ll be in the 6th CD City of Harrisonburg knocking on doors for Mayor Kai Degner in support of his special election campaign for Delegate.  On Sunday I will be helping Bill Brown’s special election Delegate race in the 7th CD.  Both of these good Democrats deserve our support, and the date of the election is June 15th.  Please visit http://www.degnerfordelegate.com/ and http://www.billfordelegate.com/ for more information on how you can help.


If elected as DPVA 1st Vice Chair, I will work to support Democrats in every area of the Commonwealth. I will work tirelessly, just as I have since entering the race two weeks ago.  I will spend the time necessary every day to make sure the Party moves forward.  In spite of how passionate I am about the many issues that matter to me, I will keep my focus on this:  Working with all of you to elect Democrats and to strengthen the Democratic Party across the State.

If you agree that we need a 1st Vice Chair who has the energy and passion for the Party to travel across the state to listen, learn, and make sure the DPVA is giving the best possible support to them and will invest the time to do it, I ask for your vote on June 12th in Charlottesville.

My very best,

Susan Mariner

Chair, Virginia Beach Democratic Committee

Candidate for DPVA 1st Vice Chair

(Tom Perriello and his mom, who baked tons of delicious chocolate chip cookies for the convention)

(5th CD convention for Tom Perriello)


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