Home National Politics Highlights from President Obama’s Immigration Reform Speech

Highlights from President Obama’s Immigration Reform Speech


The 15th best president in U.S. history spoke today on comprehensive immigration reform, which we badly need. Unfortunately, as with everything else we badly need, Republicans are monolithically and mindlessly the “party of no” – and for no good reason, sad to say. I mean, it’s not like many of these Republicans – John McCain, for instance – didn’t support comprehensive immigration reform a few years ago. But now that Democrats are in charge, fuhgettaboutit!  Apparently, politics matters more to these folks than getting stuff done for our country. Fortunately, we have President Obama in the White House and Democratic control of Congress. This November, we’d better make sure we keep it!

UPDATE: After the “flip,” there’s video of President Obama signing the Iran Sanctions Act. According to Obama, “To date, Iran has chosen the path of defiance, and that’s why we have steadily built a broader and deeper coalition of nations to pressure the Iranian government.” Obama adds that these are “the toughest sanctions against Iran ever passed by the United States Congress.”  We’ll see if they work, but I can’t say I’m holding my breath.


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