Toddy Puller Needs More “Seasoning?”


    I always get a good laugh out of the Arlington Sun Gazette’s meanderings and musings, and today was certainly no exception. Check out this howler, regarding the “spat” between Del. Scott Surovell (D) and Sen. Toddy Puller (D) on the one hand, and three Democratic members of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on the other hand, over funding for the Route 1 corridor.

    Who wins this war of words? Well, the three supervisors generally are seen as serious folks, while Puller and Surovell probably need a little more seasoning before they are taken completely seriously in the legislature. But that doesn’t mean that the truth couldn’t lie somewhere in the middle of the two polar-opposite positions.

    OK, now, I can buy that my friend Scott Surovell might – just MIGHT – need a bit more “seasoning,” given that he’s a freshman in the House of Delegates (although Scott is brilliant, an extremely hard worker, and super capable).  But Toddy Puller?  Here’s a bit of information on this wet-behind-the-ears State Senator from her official website.

    Toddy Puller was first elected to the House of Delegates in 1991 where she served for eight years. In 1999, she was elected to the Virginia Senate’s 36th District and was re-elected in 2003 and 2007.

    So, let’s see — in the Arlington Sun Gazette editor’s opinion, being in the General Assembly for 19 years still leaves you needing more “seasoning.” Of course, this was the same guy who endorsed George Allen over Jim Webb in 2006, so what else would you expect.


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