Bon Voyage to Sen. Webb’s Communications Director, Jessica Smith


    Yesterday, I got word that Jim Webb’s Communications Director, Jessica Smith, is leaving her job after 4 years with “Team Webb” (she started with the Webb campaign in 2006, which is where I first got to know her) to take a Schedule C position with the Department of Justice. There, Jessica writes, she will “focus on civil rights issues, and among other tasks…provide communications support for the 93 U.S. Attorneys across the country.” That’s great news for the Department of Justice, and I wish Jessica the best of luck in her new position.

    By the way, in 2007, Jessica was named one of the “50 Most Beautiful People on Capitol Hill” for her “porcelain skin and brilliant smile,” “flame-red hair and whip-smart bearing.” That’s not a bad combination of traits to team with top-notch professionalism, diligence, loyalty, tact, etc. Again, good luck to Jessica!

    P.S. Replacing Jessica will be Will Jenkins, who she describes as “a native Virginian who hails from Hampton Roads.” According to Jessica, Jenkins “has been with us for a number of months now, and I know that he and our press office won’t miss a beat.”  


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