Cooch’s Achilles Heel?


    At some point, this scandal has the potential to really hurt Ken Cuccinelli.

    The Ohio attorney general has issued a nationwide search warrant for the head of an alleged scam charity who donated tens of thousands to conservative candidates like Ken Cuccinelli and Michele Bachmann.

    The man, known as Bobby Thompson, allegedly set up a scam charity called U.S. Navy Veterans Association, raising millions of dollars. He then allegedly pocketed 99% of the money for “administrative costs,” and donated huge amounts to both the Virginia attorney general and the Minnesota congresswoman.

    For more on why this – not his right-wing extremism and general lunacy – could be Ken Cuccinelli’s true Achille’s Heel, read about “The Stench”, as the conservative Richmond Times-Dispatch editorial board put it:

    …First, Virginia’s Office of Consumer Affairs had notified Thompson’s group that it no longer qualified for an exemption from state registration requirements. Next, Thompson made an unsolicited $5,000 donation to Cuccinelli’s campaign. Four days later, Cuccinelli suggested moving the Office of Consumer Affairs from the Department of Agriculture to the attorney general’s office. Cuccinelli later asked Thompson for more money. Thompson obliged with $50,000. Three weeks later Cuccinelli held a press conference to reiterate his suggestion about moving the Office of Consumer Affairs.

    Can you say “quid pro quo?” Ken Cuccinelli and Bobby Thompson certainly can!


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