Virginia Celebrates Six Months of Health Reform


    (Cross-posted from OFA Virginia)

    It seems like just yesterday President Obama signed into law the Affordable Care Act; the most comprehensive reform of the health insurance industry in decades. Yet we're celebrating six months of added benefits, and the newest additions to the law taking effect this week;

    The new law now includes a Patient's Bill of Rights, expanded coverage for young adults, the right to appeal coverage decisions to an independent third party, and even choice of primary care providers within networks. If you are one of millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions, you will no longer be denied coverage due to your previous health record.

    Virignians, specifically, benefit from the latest additions to taking effect on September 23, 2010 to include:

    • More than one million Medicare beneficiaries in Va. who will now receive free preventive services and other benefits,
    • 372,470 residents who are new enrollees with Medicaid expansion,
    • the 4,661,000 Virginians with private insurance, who no longer have to worry about the lifetime limits placed on coverage or rescissions!

    Read and listen to the moving stories of people who have already been positively affected by the Afforable Care Act, like Paul Brayshaw of Falls Church, who has lived with hemophilia his entire life. After struggling with lifetime limits in coverage due to his condition, he'll no longer have to worry about whether he can afford to get the care he needs.

    Additional health care resources:


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