Omar Samaha Takes on Keith Fimian


    Also, keep in mind the following (from the Connolly campaign):

    Keith Fimian Says College Students Should “Pack Heat”

    Fimian Opposes Closing Gun Show Loophole, Advocates Guns on Campus in Controversial Interview on VT Tragedy

    FAIRFAX, VA – A major controversy has erupted in Virginia’s 11th district as Congressional candidate Keith Fimian is caught on tape advocating guns on college campuses and declaring that college students should “pack heat” to prevent gun violence.  Fimian also stressed his opposition to closing the gun show loophole that makes it easier for criminals to obtain guns by avoiding background checks.

    Speaking to reporter Mark Segraves on Channel 50’s NewsPlus program, Fimian said, “I think at Virginia Tech, if one of those kids in one of those classrooms was packing heat, I think it would not have happened.”  Segraves had asked Fimian about concerns that guns in schools could lead to worse problems.

    “Keith Fimian’s extreme position on guns and outrageous comments about the Virginia Tech tragedy serve to show yet again that he is too extreme for Northern Virginia,” said James Walkinshaw, Connolly’s campaign manager.  “Fimian’s opposition to closing the gun show loophole, his callous lack of regard for the victims of the tragedy, and belief that guns should be allowed on our schools and college campuses are way out of the mainstream.”

    Fimian is also taking heat for his support of packing heat.  A new television ad sponsored by Americans United for Safe Streets — a group independent of the Connolly campaign — criticizing Fimian’s extreme stance on guns features a Northern Virginia family that lost their daughter in the tragic April 2007 Virginia Tech shootings that took 32 lives and wounded many others.


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