Eric Cantor Does What No Democrat Could Ever Do


    This Daily Kos front page diary sums up my feelings on Eric Cantor meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and promising to act “as a check” on the Obama administration’s policy towards Israel. Note that I say this as a strong supporter of Israel (although not the right-wing elements in that country), but also first and foremost as an American:

    Now, just imagine if the tables were turned. Think back to 2007. Imagine if Nancy Pelosi sat down with the President of France and told him that she would serve as a check on the Bush Administration. What if she followed that up by noting the 200-plus-year-old special relationship that NATO ally France has had with the United States since LaFayette? She’d still be fighting the treason charges in court today.

    But, as we all know, IOKIYAR.

    That’s “It’s ok if you’re a Republican,” and sadly that’s the way it seems to go in this country. Hang out with prostitutes? If you’re a Democrat, like Eliot Spitzer, you’re toast. If you’re a Republican, like “Diaper Dave” Vitter, you’re still in the U.S. Senate.  If you lie about having consensual oral sex like Bill Clinton, you’re impeached. If you lie about the Iran-Contra scandal, about whether “waterboarding” constitutes torture, or about whether you authorized said torture, you become an honored former president and of course are never prosecuted for your crimes. And, if you meet with a foreign power and pledge to undermine your president, you’ll have Limbaugh/O’Reilly/Beck/etc. screaming from the rafters that you’ve committed treason, but if you are a Republican do so, it’s all good. Starting to sense a pattern here? Yeah, I’m sure you’ll be reading about it all in the liberal mainstream corporate “lamestream” media. On second thought…


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