Home Social Issues “Sideshow Bob” Goes “American Taliban” on teh Gayz

“Sideshow Bob” Goes “American Taliban” on teh Gayz


(UPDATE: The Democrat running against “Sideshow Bob” has some thoughts. UPDATE #2: So does Sen. McEachin. – promoted by lowkell)

With this insanity, “Sideshow Bob” Marshall morphs into “American Taliban” Bob.

Following this weekend’s vote by the Senate to allow gays to openly serve in the military, Del. Bob Marshall (R-Prince WIlliam) said he is drafting a bill for the 2011 legislative session that would ban them from serving in the Virginia National Guard.

“This policy will weaken military recruitment and retention, and will increase pressure for a military draft,” Marshall said. “After 232 years of prohibiting active, open homosexuals from enlisting in our military, President Obama and a majority in Congress are conducting a social experiment with our troops and our national security…In countries where religions and cultures find homosexual acts immoral, the Obama administration’s repeal policy will work to the detriment of all American troops in securing local cooperation with our nation’s foreign policy goals.”

What does Pat Robertson’s Manchurian Candidate Governor Bob “for Jobs” McDonnell have to say about this?

P.S. Also, I can’t wait to hear from our sex-obsessed friend Dick Black. That should be entertaining. Oh, and where’s Eugene Delgaudio, who wrote a few months ago about that thing I know we all fear most — “Thousands of men in bright neon bikinis hanging all over each other.” That, and spiders. Heh.

UPDATE: “Sideshow Bob”‘s pants are on fire – liar! liar!

UPDATE #2: Sen. Donald McEachin weighs in on the “flip.”

UPDATE #3: Sen. Mark Herring weighs in, also on the “flip.”

Senator A. Donald McEachin (D-Henrico) today responded to Delegate Marshall’s proposed bill.  Senator McEachin said, “I understand that Delegate Marshall is planning to introduce legislation prohibiting LGBT Virginians from serving in our National Guard. First of all, let me remind the Delegate that, when President Obama signs the federal legislation, that is the law of the land. The National Guard is a subset of our United States military and, as such, we cannot discriminate or prohibit membership based on sexual orientation.

“But, more importantly, the very idea that we would introduce discrimination into our Virginia Code is absolutely abhorrent to me. Virginians who want to serve, who are willing to make the sacrifice to serve in our National Guard, who work on a daily basis to help Virginians in need and who can be called up in the event of national need, should be applauded, honored and appreciated.

“When a family needs to be rescued from a flooded home, when a hurricane leaves destroyed streets and neighborhoods, when a nor’easter makes roads impassable, when our state is threatened by any outside enemy, the National Guard is there.  These brave men and women ensure our safety and security without regard to the color of our skin, our religion, our age or our sexual orientation. We owe them, at a minimum, the same respect. We honor them for their service and for jobs always well done. We need not and must not worry about their race, religion or sexual orientation. It has nothing to do with the incredible tasks they perform and the sacrifices they make.

“I would hope that Delegate Marshall would reconsider this bill which can only remind all of us of the sordid history of discrimination that Virginians have worked together so hard to overcome. I am confident that my colleagues on both sides of the aisle will see the abhorrence and mean-spiritedness of this legislation and that it will be soundly defeated.

“I ask the governor to join with fair-minded people of any and all political parties to ensure the defeat of this bill and to further ensure that Virginia becomes a place where all people receive equal opportunity, fairness and justice. “

Senator Mark Herring (D-Loudoun and Fairfax) today issued the following statement with regard to Delegate Bob Marshall’s (R-Prince William and Loudoun) effort to prohibit open service in Virginia’s National Guard:

“The era of discrimination in our Armed Forces has come to an end, and it is unfortunate that Delegate Marshall continues to try to prevent patriotic Virginians from serving their country and their commonwealth.”

“The citizens of Loudoun County and all Virginia deserve better from their representatives.  It is time for Delegate Marshall, and those who would support discrimination in our National Guard, to move on and focus instead on other difficult challenges facing our commonwealth.”


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