Home Social Issues Handheld Massacre Devices Again Prove Effective

Handheld Massacre Devices Again Prove Effective


You don’t use a handgun that holds 30 bullets to kill a deer.

You don’t use a handgun that holds 30 bullets to protect your home.

You use a handgun that holds 30 bullets to kill lots of people without pausing to reload, because that would give someone a chance to stop you. And once again, we’ve had a field test to show they’re extremely effective.

But judging by the media’s coverage of the Tucson massacre, we’d rather talk about restricting the public’s access to members of Congress than talk about restricting mentally unstable people’s access to guns.

for a generation now, politicians of both parties have been trained to live in fear of the NRA. We don’t talk about how American guns are arming Mexico’s drug warlords.  


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