Home Media Corporate Media Coverage of Virginia Politics Takes Two Major Hits

Corporate Media Coverage of Virginia Politics Takes Two Major Hits


The already thin, overstretched coverage by the corporate media of Virginia politics just took two major hits.

1. The Washington Post’s best Virginia reporter, Roz Helderman, is moving up to bigger and better things (the Post’s “congressional team” on the “national” desk).

2. The also-excellent Christina Nuckols is leaving the Virgnian-Pilot and “returning to the Roanoke Valley as The Times’ new editorial page editor.” My understanding is that Nuckols will no longer be covering the Virginia General Assembly beat. That’s very unfortunate.

Sure, there are still a few excellent political reporters in the Virginia corporate media, but we just lost two good ones right there. And just remember, the fewer sets of trained eyeballs we’ve got on the shenanigans in Richmond, the more the lobbyists, corporations, and others will be able to have a field day without any sunlight being shined on them. Not good.


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