Home Energy and Environment Gore: Obama Has Failed So Far on Climate

Gore: Obama Has Failed So Far on Climate


Obama Gore Former Vice President Al Gore is fed up with President Obama’s failure to lead on global warming. In a Rolling Stone essay to be published Friday, Gore is calling Obama out:

While Gore credits Obama’s political appointees with making hundreds of changes that have helped move the country “forward slightly” on the climate issue, and acknowledges Obama has been dealing with many other problems, he says the president “has simply not made the case for action.”

President Obama has never presented to the American people the magnitude of the climate crisis,” Gore says. “He has not defended the science against the ongoing withering and dishonest attacks. Nor has he provided a presidential venue for the scientific community … to bring the reality of the science before the public.”

Gore is certainly not the first person to question whether President Obama is truly willing to take a stand for our public health and America’s environment. But he’s not just a big name – Gore has been a huge Obama backer. It’s gotten harder and harder to defend President Obama on clean energy & climate issues in recent months. Heck, he couldn’t even be bothered to fulfill his promise to put solar panels back on the White House.

President Obama can certainly point to major accomplishments on health insurance reform, Wall Street reform, and making the Supreme Court more reflective of America. But on clean energy & climate … would we really have accomplished much less if John McCain had been elected? And looking ahead, if Mitt Romney is the GOP nominee, doesn’t the composition of Congress make much more of a difference in what we’ll accomplish in the years ahead than which backer of tepid action on the climate crisis is in the White House?


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