Rabid Homophobe Dick “Plastic Fetus Dude” Black Smears Superb Democratic Businessman, Candidate


    I mean, this IS homosexuality-and-reproduction-obsessed lunatic Dick “Plastic Fetus Dude” Black – who even the Too Conservative crew thinks is nuts – we’re talking about and all, but seriously, Black’s attack on a superb businessman and Democratic candidate is beyond ridiculous. Or maybe it isn’t, in the sense that Black’s seriously worried he’s going to lose to Shawn Mitchell in 27 days, just got his butt utterly kicked in a debate with Mitchell, and now he’s desperately flailing for life. Plus, did I mention he’s completely nuts?

    Why is Dick Black Smearing Shawn Mitchell?

    Career Politician Continues Cover Up on Abysmal Record on Job Creation and Protecting Public Education

    Ashburn – Last week, career politician Dick Black began smearing Shawn Mitchell for a lawsuit that was settled out of court with a former employer, relying on half-truths and misdirection.

    In a mailer Black says, “…Mitchell settled the lawsuit, then immediately petitioned to have the records sealed and hidden.” That not only isn’t true, but it’s actually not how our legal system in Virginia works. As a lawyer, you would expect Delegate Black to know that once a case has been settled between parties, they inform the judge and the case is dismissed. There is nothing additionally filed with the court. Any agreements between the parties, stay between the parties: the Court doesn’t actually get a copy.  Therefore, there is nothing that is “sealed.” The pleadings in the case are open and available for inspection to the public.

    Just because someone is sued does not mean they did anything wrong,” said Mitchell campaign manager Dominic Gabello. “It should be noted that the former employer in the litigation has been on record describing Shawn as a heroic businessman. What’s more, Delegate Black has his own experience with baseless lawsuits, having once filed a frivolous and unsuccessful lawsuit against Governor Warner for making the largest investment in public education in Virginia history.  

    “It’s just like another career politician to be too busy smearing his opponent to cover up his failed record on creating jobs and protecting our public schools. Black was wrong when he sued Governor Warner and wrong now that he’s smearing Shawn – the only candidate in this race who is endorsed by THREE Realtor Associations, the Northern Virginia Technology Council TechPAC, the Fire Fighters, and Teachers. Additionally, Shawn is the only candidate in this race who has created jobs and that’s why he is a finalist for the Entrepreneur of the Year and Service Business of the Year awards by the Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce.”

    No wonder why Black is worried. More on the “flip.” Go Shawn Mitchell!


    Mitchell’s former boss Alan Givens called Shawn ‘his Sully’

    Alan Givens wrote an article for a trade magazine where he called Shawn “his Sully” (“Sully” being a reference to U.S. Airways hero pilot, Captain Chesley Sullenberger) for his great management talent. [IMAGE Magazine, Volume 74, Number 2 Spring 2009]

    Black Lawsuit Against Governor Warner over 2004 Budget Impasse Dismissed

    Richmond Circuit Judge T.J. Markow said in Friday’s ruling that the Virginia Constitution’s separation of powers doctrine requires him to stay out of the budget dispute. “The plaintiffs ask this court to, in effect, mandate to the General Assembly how it should go about the drafting, introduction, debate and voting on a budget bill. … A more egregious example of the oft-criticized ‘judicial activism’ would be hard to imagine,” Markow wrote. [Associated Press & Local Wire, April 30, 2004]


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