I’d Ask Romney and Perry: Would Your Parents Approve What You Just Did?


    (Good question! – promoted by lowkell)

    Have you heard the one about Mitt and Rick twisting Obama’s words. Obama said that “We have been a little lazy,” with “we” being the U.S. government and the “lazy” being about complacency in not selling the U.S. as a place to do business?

    Clear enough, what Obama was saying.

    But these two major Republican candidates for the presidency decided to pounce on this quote and tell the electorate that their president has called the American people lazy. Perry even made an ad out of it.

    I would love a chance to ask each of these two Men Who Would Be President, “Did you grow up with a mother? Would she approve of what you’re doing? And how about a father? Did he have any standards about honesty and fair play?”

    If we knew nothing else about these two ambitious men, this little gambit of theirs alone would be enough to tell us they were unworthy of the office.

    Shameless. That’s what they show themselves to be. And it’s our job to be offended.

    We’ve had altogether too much shamelessness in American politics in these times. And altogether too little pure, down-home being offended.

    “At long last, have you no decency?” That line, from almost sixty years ago, has a lot of good miles left in it yet.

    Andy Schmookler is running for Congress in the 6th Congressional District of Virginia, challenging the incumbent Congressman, Bob Goodlatte. An award-winning author, political commentator, radio talk-show host, and teacher, Andy moved with his family to Shenandoah County in 1992. He is a graduate of Harvard University and holds a PhD from the University of California at Berkeley.  

    To learn more about Andy, please go to his website. You may also follow Andy on Facebook and on Twitter.


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