Jerry Kilgore Endorses Whom?


    Wow! Rick Perry (shown in this recent bizarre video) has a new BFF (best friend forever) — in Virginia at least. Remember Jerry Kilgore? To defeat him, we in the progressive blogosphere gave it pretty much all we had. And it worked. We didn’t do it alone, of course. Far from it. But it is hard to deny that our efforts to “raise Kaine” were a factor. It is a good thing we trounced Jerry Kilgore too.

    His latest announcement shows how far gone he really is. Not only has he endorsed Rick Perry for president, but also Kilgore will be Perry’s Virginia campaign chair, according to the Washington Post here.

    Poor Jerry lost his candidate when T-Paw withdrew from the race. Now, ordinarily, we could just laugh this off. But in the aftermath of Perry’s bizarre speech this week, the nuttiness of this endorsement and campaign chairing is heightened. You gotta wonder at the candidate we could have had for governor had we not worked as hard as we did in 2005. (Remember that next year.)


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