Better Choices for Virginia Rallies for a Better Budget


    Crossposted at ProgressVA.

    signed petition.jpgThe Better Choices for Virginia Coalition, of which ProgressVA is a member, gathered in Richmond today to tell Governor McDonnell that Virginians need a budget plan with a balanced approach that cuts tax loopholes and not jobs.Their release reports,

    “With the Governor preparing to unveil his plan for the upcoming budget next week, the more than 40 organizations that comprise the growing Better Choices coalition want him to protect and create jobs instead of making deep cuts to schools, health care, public safety and other key building blocks for a strong economy.”

    Better Choices not only presented the Governor today with an enlarged petition, signed by today’s rally’s attendees, but also with more than 1,300 petitions signed by Virginians from across the Commonwealth calling for a balanced approach to the budget. McDonnell’s cuts-only mentality threatens Virginia families and hurts our economic recovery.

    Virginia Budget Facts:

    • Virginia has a roughly $1 billion gap over the next 2 years and relying on a cuts-only approach to essential services will likely hurt Virginia’s ability to create jobs and grow the economy. (Better Choices for Virginia, December 15, 2011)
    • Governor McDonnell’s budget proposal will impose a greater burden on local governments who are already struggling, that “are already strapped and which are responsible for critical vital services like public education, public safety, and public health. Local governments cannot afford to absorb this. To use an overused expression, it is an ‘unfunded mandate.'” (Sen. Donald McEachin, Blue Virginia, December 15, 2011)
    • Tax breaks for yacht owners: Virginia taxes watercraft sales at a reduced rate compared to other goods and caps the total amount at $2,000, giving away massive tax breaks to owners of expensive yachts, while working families pay the full sales tax on everything they buy. (The Commonwealth Institute)
    • In 2008, 64% of Virginia corporations paid no corporate income tax. (The Commonwealth Institute)

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