Frank Wolf’s Gift to Working Families…..TAX HIKES


    ***Just days before Christmas, Congressman Frank Wolf Publically Pushes For Tax Hike on Virginia’s Working Class Families***

    In an astounding admission on Wednesday December 21st, Congressman Frank Wolf proclaimed his desire to raise taxes on Virginia’s working families.    While the rest of Congress debates how long to extend the payroll tax cut, Congressman Wolf said in an interview with Radio Station WMAL “the payroll tax cut is a blatant step in the wrong direction.”  

    Rep Wolf went on to defend his statement:

    “The easiest vote in Congress is to reduce taxes.  The easiest vote is to just pander and say, we’re gonna give you more money.  It’s very easy!  The hard vote is to do what’s right.”  

    Brigadier General John Douglass strongly disagrees:

    “Frank Wolf wanting to raise taxes on the working families of Virginia fully illustrates how out of touch he is with his constituents.  Working families are struggling right now, and to give them the “gift” of higher taxes, just days before Christmas is unfathomable. ”  Douglass said. “Further, on behalf of working families in Virginia, I am disgusted by Congressman Wolf claiming it takes courage to balance the budget on the backs of working families.”

    Interview Link here:…

    For more info on Brig General John Douglass (ret) please visit


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