Liberal and Proud Of It


    “How come liberals never admit that they’re liberal?” he asked. “They’ve now come up with a new word called ‘progressive,’ which I thought was an insurance company but apparently it’s a label.”

    Here’s my response to Marco Rubio.

    Say it loud and say it proud,

    I’m proud of being a liberal and I won’t back down.

    Here is what I believe.

    I believe that every American should have the chance to lay the golden egg of economic prosperity. At present, we are nowhere near this goal. For all of the Rubio’s of America who have made a cozy place for themselves, there are thousands of others who, through no fault of their own, have not had the same opportunities for success.

    I believe that a woman’s body is her own temple to do with whatever she pleases.

    I believe that unions are a benefit to society, imperfect as they may be.

    I believe that the federal government has an important role to play in ensuring healthy environments and preventing runaway capitalism.  

    I believe that those on the right choose to strip down one giant for a potentially more dangerous one, the multinational corporation.

    I believe that sensible welfare policies are a reasonable way to protect some of the most vulnerable members of our society.

    I believe universal health care is a right and that every American should be able to retire at 65.

    I believe in the rights of consumers just as much as the rights of sellers.

    I believe in the freedom of individuals and the sanctity of communal bonds.

    I believe that religion and politics should remain separated.

    Liberalism has a heart.

    Liberalism sustains and promotes pluralism.

    Liberalism promotes capitalism while remembering that not everyone is a capitalist.

    Liberalism has proven itself to be the only viable way forward for our country.

    I AM A LIBERAL and I AM proud to be one.  


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