Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Wednesday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Wednesday Morning


Here are a few Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, February 29 (leap day, also the last day of meteorological winter, also possibly the last day of any doubt that Willard Romney will be the Republican’t 2012 nominee for president!). By the way, I haven’t mentioned the Roanoke College poll which shows George Allen leading Tim Kaine, because this outfit is known for horrendously bad polling, including one that the Washington Post’s polling director said had serious methodology problems. This poll is a major outlier to every other poll on this race (all of which show it neck and neck). Ignore.

*Senate committee OKs new version of budget

*George Allen responds to Hank the Cat’s candidacy

*McDonnell signs bill lifting one-handgun-per-month limit (Possibly the single worst thing McDonnell’s done so far as governor so far. Other, that is, than being a complete nonentity, failing to provide any leadership on Virginia’s most important needs, worrying more about his political career, etc.)

*Dominion plans new natural gas-fired power station (If Dominion had been working hard on “demand side management”/energy efficiency plus clean energy development the past decade or so, new power plants would not be necessary. Of course, if our @#$@#$ legislature would pass a strong, MANDATORY energy efficiency and renewable portfolio standard, plus things like net metering, that would be extremely helpful too. But nooooooo….)

*The other reason that the ultrasound bill crumbled. (Interesting, although I’d argue it didn’t “crumble,” only the “trans-vaginal” part.)

*Senate approves bill to require ultrasound for abortion

*McDonnell, Cuccinelli, legislators play hoops for charity

*Schapiro: Va. Democrats catch a break – maybe (Right, but only if we take advantage, which is far, far, far from a done deal.)

*Editorial: When the standards become higher

*How to Save City Schools (“Mayor Dwight Jones says the children are “crying out for help.” So let’s help them.”)

*Cuccinelli: Virginia can’t block union labor on Dulles Metro

*Portsmouth officials fire up a resolution to try to halt tunnel tolls

*Va. flu activity listed as ‘widespread’ (Yeah, I’m recovering from a nasty cold, so that’s going around too. Blech.)

*Discord delays Va. war dead memorial

P.S. Also, Ezra Klein nails it (as usual) with Olympia Snowe is right about American politics. Will we listen?


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