Home Virginia Politics “9500 Liberty” Now Available For Free, Online

“9500 Liberty” Now Available For Free, Online


This is an excellent and highly relevant movie (see Roger Ebert’s 3 1/2-star review here), produced by the highly talented Eric Byler and Annabel Park, and centered right here in Virginia (Prince William County, to be exact). The movie “reveals the startling vulnerability of a local government, targeted by national anti-immigration networks using the Internet to frighten and intimidate lawmakers and citizens.” It also depicts how residents, “[a]larmed by a climate of fear and racial division…form a resistance using YouTube videos and virtual town halls, setting up a real-life showdown in the seat of county government.”

The cast of characters in this film include Prince William County’s #1 xenophobe and bully, Corey Stewart (now running for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia); the county’s heroic Police Chief, Charlie Deane; and others you might recognize, including the guy who writes this blog. In my opinion, this film should be required viewing for every member of the Virginia General Assembly, as well as for anyone else who cares about immigration issues. Or, if you just want to watch a highly entertaining movie, one that will have you alternately cheering and booing with gusto, check it out!


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