Home 2019 Elections Calculate How High Your Taxes Will Go If Romney’s Elected (Hint: It’s...

Calculate How High Your Taxes Will Go If Romney’s Elected (Hint: It’s BAD!)


Click on the link and find out how much higher your taxes will be if Willard “Mitt” Romney’s elected. A few examples, given annual family income (assuming 0 dependents):

$50,000 family income: Romney will COST you $641; Obama will SAVE you $1,168

$75,000 family income: Romney will COST you $884; Obama will SAVE you $1,168

$100,000 family income: Romney will COST you $1,339; Obama will SAVE you $3,227

$125,000 family income: Romney will COST you $1,339; Obama will SAVE you $3,977

$150,000 family income: Romney will COST you $1,339; Obama will SAVE you $4,727

$5 million family income: KaCHING! Romney will SAVE you $245,551; Obama will only save you $8,295

By the way, the Romney campaign praised the Tax Policy Institute, which is responsible for this analysis, as an “objective, third-party” group.


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