Home 2019 Elections Video: Stephanie Cutter Erases Romney’s Medicare “Whiteboard” Lies, Replaces Them with Facts

Video: Stephanie Cutter Erases Romney’s Medicare “Whiteboard” Lies, Replaces Them with Facts


New OFA Web Video Rewrites Romney’s Whiteboard

CHICAGO — No matter what Mitt Romney draws on a white board, the truth can’t escape him: President Obama has already extended the life of Medicare by nearly a decade and is helping seniors save money. To set the record straight, Obama for America released a new online video today featuring Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter that rewrites Romney’s whiteboard with the facts about the President’s record on Medicare and the Romney campaign’s dangerous distortions. The Romney-Ryan plan would radically change Medicare by taking away guaranteed benefits and giving seniors a voucher that wouldn’t keep up with health costs or ensure they can get the same health care they have today. If the voucher doesn’t cover seniors’ plans, they’ll have to pay more. And the Romney-Ryan plan does all of this to pay for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.


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