Home National Politics Arlington County Board Passes Resolution Against Citizens United Decision

Arlington County Board Passes Resolution Against Citizens United Decision


On Tuesday, the Arlington County Board passed a resolution calling for a constitutional amendment to reverse the effects of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission and restore fair elections to the American people!  The board observed that “we the people adopted and ratified the United States Constitution to protect the free speech and other rights of individuals, not corporations” and said that Citizens United was “a serious and direct threat to our nation’s republican democracy, . . . standing in direct contrast to our local Arlington commitment to good government, civic and civil discourse, and broad participation in local decision-making.”  The board’s vote was 5-0 and each member spoke eloquently in favor of the resolution.  Their remarks can be found on the board’s website at: arlington.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php (at about 00:58:30).  This is a real step forward for our movement here in Virginia and nationally.  Indeed, by one count Arlington was the 300th jurisdiction around the country to pass a resolution against Citizens United!

The board passed the resolution after a grassroots advocacy campaign of several months led by a dedicated group of Northern Virginia Move To Amend members from Arlington County.  They developed materials to present to the board to show how important this issue is on a national level and on a local level for the people of Arlington.  They met with each board member at least once and communicated with them several other times.  In the end, their hard work paid off with a terrific resolution.  (Indeed, two board members thanked Move To Amend in their remarks for its great work.)  Now we need to move on to get the other jurisdictions in northern Virginia to do the same!

Sean Barnett

Spokesperson, Northern Virginia Move To Amend

The board’s resolution is set out below.  


Resolution concerning the “Citizens United” case

and the threat to free and fair elections

WHEREAS, We the people adopted and ratified the United States Constitution to protect the free speech and other rights of individuals, not corporations; and,

WHEREAS, the United States Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission overturned longstanding precedent prohibiting corporations (and unions) from spending general treasury funds in our elections; and,

WHEREAS, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission and related federal court decisions present a serious and direct threat to our nation’s republican democracy, while standing in direct contrast to our local Arlington commitment to good government, civic and civil discourse, and broad participation in local decision-making; and,

WHEREAS, Article V of the United States Constitution empowers and obligates the people and states of the United States of America to use the constitution amendment process to correct those egregiously wrong decisions of the United States Supreme Court that go to the heart of our democracy and republican self-government; and,

WHEREAS, the people and states of the United States of America have strengthened the nation and preserved liberty and equality for all by using the amendment process throughout our history, including erroneous Supreme Court decisions; now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board of Arlington, Virginia commends the efforts of Congressman James P. Moran and Gerald E. Connolly to address this issue; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Board of Arlington, Virginia supports the growing call for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to reverse the effects of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission and restore fair elections to the American people.


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