Home 2019 Elections Allen Knowingly Repeats False Charge in Negative Ad

Allen Knowingly Repeats False Charge in Negative Ad


From the Kaine campaign.


Kaine for Virginia
October 24, 2012 

Kaine for Virginia Press Office
(804) 359-7106



Richmond, VA –  Given his long partisan record, it's not surprising that George Allen's first direct appeal to Virginia voters is a negative, false attack ad.  During his term as governor, George Allen was labeled the 'most partisan' governor in Virginia's history and called-out for his 'smashmouth politics.'  In today's ad, George Allen levels a charge that Tim Kaine supports harmful defense cuts that could cost Virginia jobs, which he knows to be false, in a transparently partisan attempt to win re-election.  The truth, and Allen knows it, is that Tim Kaine has never supported these cuts and has laid out a comprehensive plan to prevent them. As George Allen continues to level false claims, remember that newspapers across Virginia have called him out for “hysteria-laced” attacks. 

In the ad, Allen says his “plan” is to “use America’s energy resources,” but the country’s energy production is at record highs, and to “create jobs” but more private sector jobs have been created in the last two years than in the entirety of Allen’s last term in the Senate. The charade of a plan attempts to distract from the facts – Allen’s proposals would actually make things worse by cutting education, Medicare, and transportation, which are critical to a growing economy.

“Washington needs problem solvers like Tim Kaine who will reach across the aisle to prevent harmful defense cuts and grow the economy, not the same partisans like George Allen whose only ideas are the same ones that got us into this mess,” said Brandi Hoffine, Kaine for Virginia Communications Director. “As senator, Tim Kaine will advocate a bipartisan, balanced plan to avert this threat to our economy and create jobs, while George Allen continues to use our fiscal challenges for political gain. Governor Kaine’s forward-looking plan to grow small businesses, invest in education, and find common ground is the only strategy in this race that will continue our recovery and boost growth for the long term.”


Quick Facts You Should Know

“Kaine's Specifics on Sequestration Solution Trumps Allen” [Falls Church News Press, 9/20/12]

Allen’s Argument On Sequestration Is “Deliberately Misleading.” [Roanoke Times, 7/27/12]

Allen Ad “Distorts Kaine’s Position,” Creates “False Impression” Tim Kaine Supports Potential Deep Military Spending Cuts. [Associated Press, 7/24/12]

U.S. Has Created More Jobs In Last Two Years, Than Were Created In The Entire Time Allen Was In The U.S. Senate. [Bureau of Labor Statistics]
U.S. Oil Production Recently Reached Its Highest Level Since January 1997, U.S. Natural Gas Production In 2011 Was An All-Time High.  [Bloomberg, 9/26/12, U.S. Energy Information Administration, 12/6/11]

The Roanoke Times Described Allen’s Sequestration Attack As “Hysteria-Laced” And Said Allen Was Not “Being Honest With Virginians.” [Editorial, Roanoke Times, 7/27/12]


CLAIM: “The defense cuts Tim Kaine supported are threatening over 200,000 Virginia jobs.”
FACT: Allen knows full well that Kaine doesn’t support the defense sequestration cuts any more than Governor McDonnell or the six Republican members of Congress from Virginia who took the same position as Kaine did on the debt limit compromise.
PolitiFact: “There’s No Record Of Kaine Calling For The Deep Defense Cuts. … We Doubt That Allen Would Level The Same Charge Against McDonnell That He Has Against Kaine.” PolitiFact Virginia wrote, “There’s no record of Kaine calling for the deep defense cuts; to the contrary, he repeatedly said he hoped Congress would strike a compromise to avoid them. That’s the same position that Gov. McDonnell, a Republican, embraced last year and defended this summer. We doubt that Allen would level the same charge against McDonnell that he has against Kaine. That’s because it is possible to have supported the compromise out of a desire to keep Washington solvent and wish no harm to the nation’s defense.” [PolitiFact Virginia, 9/20/12]
Washington Times: “Virginia GOP Attack On Kaine Ricochets—6 On Hill Backed Defense Sequester.” In an article headlined, “Virginia GOP Attack On Kaine Ricochets—6 On Hill Backed Defense Sequester,” The Washington Times wrote, “The Virginia Republican Party lambasted Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Tim Kaine on Monday for backing a congressional deal that’s led to the specter of $500 billion in defense cuts starting next year — despite a majority of the state’s Republican lawmakers, including House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, having voted for the plan.” [Washington Times, 7/23/12]
Richmond Times-Dispatch: “Kaine Has Stated On Numerous Occasions That The Deep Defense Cuts Should Be Avoided.” The Richmond Times-Dispatch Virginia Politics Blog wrote, “While Kaine’s rival, George Allen, never supported the deal, Kaine has stated on numerous occasions that the deep defense cuts should be avoided.” [Richmond Times-Dispatch, Virginia Politics Blog, 8/15/12]
Washington Post: “Although Kaine Endorsed The Original Agreement, He Has Also Said That He Is Opposed To The Possibility Of Indiscriminate Defense Cuts.” [Washington Post, 9/29/12]
Allen TV Ad Criticized Kaine On Cuts That “Were Proposed As Part Of A Debt Ceiling Deal, With Bipartisan Support, Although No One Who Supported Them Wants Them To Actually Take Effect, Including Kaine.” The Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star reported, “Republican U.S. Senate candidate George Allen has launched a new TV ad today. . . . Allen’s ad (see it here) refers to potential job losses in the defense industry, which could happen if the ‘sequestration’ cuts proposed last year by Congress aren’t stopped before January. Those cuts were proposed as part of a debt ceiling deal, with bipartisan support, although no one who supported them wants them to actually take effect, including Kaine. The cuts were meant to be a threat to urge members of Congress to find a more palatable way to reduce the national debt and deficit.” [Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star, 10/18/12]
The Washington Post: “Kaine Backed The Agreement Originally — As Did Nearly Every Republican Leader And Gov. Robert McDonnell (R) — But Wants The Two Parties To Reach A Deal To Avert The Cuts.” The Washington Post reported, “The conservative group Crossroads GPS isn’t letting up on Timothy M. Kaine, launching yet another ad against the Virginia Senate candidate on the subject of defense cuts… The deal that put the ‘sequester’ in place has been a major issue in the Kaine-Allen contest. Kaine backed the agreement originally — as did nearly every Republican leader and Gov. Robert McDonnell (R) — but wants the two parties to reach a deal to avert the cuts. Kaine has also criticized the idea that the Pentagon would simply make across-the-board reductions rather than being selective about where to cut.” [Washington Post, 10/9/12]
FACT: Just YESTERDAY, Allen campaigned with Governor McDonnell, and just YESTERDAY, McDonnell defended his support for the debt deal.
McDonnell On Debt Limit Deal: “You Know What The Alternative Was? Default Of The Greatest Nation On Earth And Not Paying Our Obligations.” During an interview on CNN with Anderson Cooper, Governor McDonnell criticized the President over the possibility of defense sequestration cuts. Cooper then asked, “Didn't Paul Ryan vote for those cuts, though?” McDonnell: “Well, listen, a lot of people did because you know what the alternative was? Default of the greatest nation on earth and not paying our obligations. And at the eve of default, people said that's a better alternative. But Anderson, it was supposed to be a hammer, not a policy.” [CNN, Anderson Cooper 360, 10/23/12]
McDonnell Said He Supported Debt Deal Because It “Averted A Worse Scenario, Which Is A Meltdown And International Crisis Because We Defaulted On Our Obligations.”  In an appearance on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, McDonnell defended his support for the debt limit deal, saying, “I think many of us supported those last August because they averted a worse scenario, which is a meltdown and international crisis because we defaulted on our obligations.” MCDONNELL: … the defense cuts that the president supported and refuses to do anything about is an important issue in this race.” MITCHELL: “Well, Paul Ryan voted for those same exact defense cuts so that does undercut that argument a bit.  But I think” MCDONNELL: “Well” MITCHELL: “Let me ask you about” MCDONNELL: “Andrea, if I could” MITCHELL: “Go ahead. Sure.” MCDONNELL: “Well, I was going to say you’re right. And I think many of us supported those last August because they averted a worse scenario, which is a meltdown and international crisis because we defaulted on our obligations.” [MSNBC, Andrea Mitchell Reports, 10/15/12]
McDonnell Said He Supported Debt Deal “Because The Alternative Was Default Of The United States of America.” In an appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press, McDonnell said that he supported the debt deal that created the possibility of sequestration cuts because “the alternative was default of the United States of America.” In and exchange involving host David Gregory and former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm, McDonnell said, “[T]hese sequestration cuts that the president put in place a year ago and his absolute failure of leadership to reverse those– it's going to cost Virginia 200,000 jobs and weaken the United States military according to Leon Panetta, that’s the broader question.” GREGORY: “But you backed the deal that– that was part of.” MCDONNELL: “But that’s not– hold on– hold on.” FMR. GOV. GRANHOLM: “Talk to Paul Ryan about it.” MCDONNELL:  “That’s not the issue.  Every– people backed the deal because the alternative was default of the United States of America.” [NBC, Meet the Press, 10/14/12]
FACT: Allen has already been called out repeatedly for being dishonest with Virginians about Kaine’s position on sequestration.
Roanoke Times Described Allen’s Sequestration Attack As “Hysteria-Laced” And Said Allen Was Not “Being Honest With Virginians.” In an editorial headlined, “Allen’s Leadership Gap On The Budget Deficit—The GOP Senate Candidate Criticizes His Opponent For Backing A Budget Deal That Had The Support Of Top Republicans,” The Roanoke Times wrote, “It's a little hard to follow the hysteria-laced attacks by Senate candidate George Allen and fellow Republicans against his opponent Tim Kaine, but they seem to be under the impression that the Democrat is cutting the federal budget by $1 trillion, and they are determined to do everything in their power to stop him. As long as ‘everything’ doesn't include being honest with Virginians about the national deficit and what it will take to get it under control.” [Editorial, Roanoke Times, 7/27/12]
AP: Allen Campaign Ad “Clearly — And Falsely — Creates The Impression That Kaine Approves Of The Looming Deep Military Cuts.” The Associated Press wrote, “Throwing such a loaded issue into the blazing politics of an electoral battleground like Virginia was inevitable. Allen had timed the issue to the minute, too. Forty-eight hours after the July 28 debate, his campaign was televising an ad across the state that never mentioned Kaine by name but clearly — and falsely — creates the impression that Kaine approves of the looming deep military cuts. . . . GMU political science professor Mark Rozell said it might be an effective short-term tactic in a Senate race that a Quinnipiac University poll last week showed was dead even. . . . But is it good governance? . . . Further balkanizing the political environment isn't helpful, Rozell said. ‘George Allen isn't in leadership right now. He just has to mobilize groups of voters and that's what he's trying to do,’ Rozell said. ‘He can deal with governance and leadership after he's elected. If he's elected.’” [Associated Press, 8/12/12]
Roanoke Times: Allen’s Argument On Sequestration Is “Deliberately Misleading.” The Roanoke Times editorialized, “The budget deal contains nearly $500 billion in automatic defense spending cuts over the next decade that would squeeze the commonwealth, home to many defense contractors and military bases. But demands by Allen and other Republicans that the savings instead come from domestic programs are deliberately misleading. The across-the-board cuts already gouge another $500 billion from education, safety net and other services. The Office of Management and Budget has estimated that 700,000 children and mothers will lose nutritional assistance. More than 25,000 teachers and teaching aides will lose their jobs. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services predicts 2,300 medical research grants will be canceled, 100,000 children will be shut out of Head Start programs, and 80,000 more will no longer qualify for child care assistance.” [Editorial, Roanoke Times, 7/27/12]
AP: Allen Ad “Distorts Kaine’s Position,” Creates “False Impression That His Democratic Opponent, Tim Kaine, Supports Potential Deep Military Spending Cuts.” In an article titled, “Allen Airs Campaign Ad On Possible Defense Cuts That Distorts Kaine’s Position,” the Associated Press wrote, “Republican former Sen. George Allen is airing a new ad that deftly fosters a false impression that his Democratic opponent, Tim Kaine, supports potential deep military spending cuts under a debt-reduction compromise. The ad is rooted in Saturday’s debate between the candidates, when Allen attacked Kaine for supporting a bipartisan compromise in August that allowed Congress to increase the nation’s debt ceiling.” [Associated Press, 7/24/12]
FACT: Both Allen and McDonnell have said there should be defense cuts. 
Asked About Cutting Defense, Allen Said, “In Every Single Federal Government Agency, There Can Be Savings Found, None Of Them Are Running As Efficiently As Possible.” At the Virginia Bar Association Debate, Allen had the following exchange with Moderator Candy Crowley: “CROWLEY: Governor Allen let me continue with you on the idea of cuts and versus taxes. A member of our audience, actually several members, wanted me to ask you all what specific cuts would you make and let’s take — we all know the defense budget and entitlements  are two huge expenditures for the federal government — what specific big cut would you make in the defense department to help bring down? ALLEN: In defense? CROWLEY: In defense. ALLEN: In defense – well first of all in every single federal government agency, there can be savings found, none of them are running as efficiently as possible.” [Virginia Bar Association Debate, 7/21/12]
McDonnell: “We Need A Cut In Defense, We Need A Cut In All Areas.” During an interview on CNN with Anderson Cooper, Governor McDonnell said, “We need a cut in defense, we need a cut in all areas.” [CNN, Anderson Cooper 360, 10/23/12]
FACT: Allen’s plan will make sequestration more likely.
Allen Expressed Support For The House Plan To Avoid Sequester Cuts. In an interview on WLNI, Allen said, “It seems to me that what we ought to be doing is—and the House passed this by the way—the House passed a measure in May to avert these devastating cuts to the military, and make cuts elsewhere.” [WLNI Morning Line, 9/25/12]

“Panetta Said The Measure Has Actually Made It More — Yes, More — Likely That Sequestration Will Take Effect.” Politico’s Morning Defense reported, “The most devastating comments from Panetta’s press conference yesterday came when he discussed a bill approved by the House GOP that would avert sequestration. Panetta said the measure has actually made it more — yes, more — likely that sequestration will take effect. He blasted the plan, which shields the Pentagon from the automatic cuts by slashing funds for poverty programs, such as food stamps. ‘By taking these funds from the poor, middle-class Americans, homeowners and other vulnerable parts of our American constituencies,’ Panetta said, ‘the guaranteed results will be confrontation, gridlock and a greater likelihood of sequester.’” [Politico Morning Defense, 5/11/12]
The House Has Voted To Repeal The Affordable Care Act 33 Times. In a piece headlined “Health Care Repeal Effort: Worth The Time?” CBS news reported, “The House of Representatives voted to repeal the president's health care law Wednesday. It is the 33rd time that House Republicans have done that, even though they know the repeal won't pass the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats. Even if it did, the President would veto it. When there's urgent business before the House, why spend so much time voting to repeal the law over and over again?” [CBS News, 7/11/12]
According To The Nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, Repealing The Affordable Care Act Increases The Deficit By A Trillion Dollars Over The Next 20 Years And Would Cost Taxpayers $109 Billion Over The Next Ten Years. According to the CBO, repealing the Affordable Care Act “would cause a net increase in federal budget deficits of $109 billion over the 2013-2022 period…CBO estimates that the total increase in deficits during the 2013-2032 period…would lie in a broad range around one-half percent of GDP.” [CBO, 7/24/12]

  • PolitiFact Said Allen’s Claim That Repealing The Affordable Care Act Would “Save $ 1 Trillion Over A 10-Year Period” Is “False.”  PolitiFact Virginia reported, “Allen, in describing how he would cut debt, said repeal of the health care act would ‘save $1 trillion over a 10-year period.’ The three studies he cites from conservative analysts don’t put the debt reduction anywhere near $1 trillion . . . And a report by the nonpartisan CBO says the repeal of Obamacare would increase debt by $109 billion over 10 years. We rate Allen’s claim False.” [PolitiFact Virginia, 10/11/12]


As One Of His “Vague Solutions” To Sequestration, Allen Proposed An Optional Flat Tax That Analysts Say “Would Likely Increase The Deficit.” The New York Times reported, “Mr. Allen, who has made those defense cuts the centerpiece of his campaign of late, offered only vague solutions. He said repealing President Obama’s health care law would help, although the Congressional Budget Office says repeal would raise the deficit over 10 years, not lower it. And he proposed a flat tax that households could voluntarily choose over the existing tax code. Tax analysts say that too would likely increase the deficit by giving taxpayers the ability to choose whichever tax code saved them money.” [New York Times, 9/20/12]


U.S. Oil Production Recently Reached Its Highest Level Since January 1997 And “America Met 83 Percent Of Its Energy Needs In The First Six Months Of The Year.”  Bloomberg reported, “U.S. oil production surged last week to the highest level since January 1997, reducing the country’s dependence on imported fuels as new technology unlocks crude trapped in shale formations. Crude output rose by 3.7 percent to 6.509 million barrels a day in the week ended Sept. 21, the Energy Department reported today. America met 83 percent of its energy needs in the first six months of the year, department data show. If the trend continues through 2012, it will be the highest level of self- sufficiency since 1991. Imports have declined 3.2 percent from the same period a year earlier.” [Bloomberg, 9/26/12]
U.S. Natural Gas Production In 2011 Was An All-Time High. U.S. Natural Gas Production in 2011 was just over 24 trillion cubic feet, according to the Energy Information Administration. That is the most the U.S. has ever produced, the closest previous year being 1973. [U.S. Energy Information Administration, 12/6/11] 
“US Natural Gas Production On Track To Top 2011 Record In 2012.” In an article headlined, “US Natural Gas Production On Track To Top 2011 Record In 2012,” The State Journal reported, “U.S. natural gas producers are on track in 2012 to top their record 2011 production. Gas produced in the first six months of 2012 came to 11.9 trillion cubic feet, or tcf, compared with 11.2 tcf in the first six months of 2011, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Total production in 2011 of 23 tcf exceeded 2010 production by 7.8 percent and topped the previous record, set in 1973, of 21.7 tcf. Volume has been higher in every month of 2012 compared with 2011.” [The State Journal, 9/14/12]
U.S. Exports Of Finished Petroleum Products Are At Record Levels. According to the Energy Information Administration, in 2011 the U.S. exported 2,503,000 barrels of finished petroleum products, a modern-day record. [U.S. Energy Information Administration, 7/28/11]
Bloomberg: “U.S. Was Net Oil-Product Exporter for First Time Since 1949.” In an article headlined, “U.S. Was Net Oil-Product Exporter for First Time Since 1949,” Bloomberg reported, “The U.S. exported more gasoline, diesel and other fuels than it imported in 2011 for the first time since 1949, the Energy Department said. Shipments abroad of petroleum products exceeded imports by 439,000 barrels a day, the department said today in the Petroleum Supply Monthly report.” [Bloomberg, 2/29/12]
FACT: In the Senate, every time Allen had to choose between our troops and veterans or budget busting tax cuts, Allen chose the tax cuts, creating the fiscal mess we’re currently in. 
2006: Allen Voted Against Measure To Stop TRICARE Fees From Tripling For Retired Officers. In 2006, Allen voted against an amendment that would have put more money into Tricare and would have blocked a Bush administration proposal to raise fees and co-payments for younger retirees on Tricare. The amendment would have been paid for by closing tax loopholes. Republicans DeWine and Chafee voted for the amendment, which failed 46-53. Allen voted no. [Roll Call Vote No. 67, 3/16/06]

  • Kerry: “Bush’s Proposal Would Essentially Triple Fees For Retired Officers.” A press release from Senator John Kerry stated, “Today, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) offered an amendment to restore funding for TRICARE, the Department of Defense healthcare program for servicemembers and their families. President Bush's budget for next year includes a proposal to increase TRICARE fees and co-payments for military retirees under the age of 65 and their dependents. . . . Bush's proposal would essentially triple fees for retired officers, double them for senior enlisted retirees, and demand more from every military retiree under the age of 65 who uses the TRICARE health care system. Kerry's amendment restores the funding for TRICARE so that military retirees are not saddled with increased fees and co-payments.” [Press Release from Senator John Kerry, 3/16/06]
  • Amendment Allen Opposed Would Have Closed Tax Loopholes And Blocked Bush Proposal To Increase TRICARE Fees. The Navy Times reported, “Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., offered an amendment that would have blocked a Bush administration proposal to increase health care fees and co-payments for military retirees under age 65 who are covered by Tricare, but that amendment was defeated by a 53-46 vote. Kerry's amendment would have closed tax loopholes to raise $10.4 billion over five years as an alternative to increasing Tricare fees for younger retirees.” [Navy Times, 3/27/06]

2003: Allen Voted Against Adding $322 Million For Battlefield Clearance And Safety Equipment For Our Troops. Allen voted for the “Stevens, R-Alaska, motion to table (kill) the Dodd, D-Conn., amendment no. 1817 that would add $322 million to the bill's spending on battlefield clearance and safety equipment for U.S. troops in Iraq.” [Vote 376, 10/2/03; CQ Floor Votes]

  • Dodd Said His Amendment Was Meant To Alleviate A Shortfall Of “$200 Million For Critical Gear For Our Soldiers” That The Army Cited. In a floor statement, Chris Dodd said the following about his proposed Amendment 1817, “I rise to propose this amendment to the emergency supplemental spending bill to ensure that Congress and the administration keep sight of what I believe must remain our number one priority for the conduct of the operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, the protection of our American troops. According to the U.S. Army, the President's supplemental bill falls short of over $200 million for critical gear for our soldiers slated to rotate in Iraq and Afghanistan in the months ahead. This amendment was designed specifically to see to it that those U.S. troops coming into Iraq, into a theater of war, would receive important equipment they need to perform their missions effectively. This equipment includes important high-tech body armor, bullet-proof helmets, special water packs to keep soldiers hydrated, and other survival gear.” [Congressional Record, 10/2/03]

2003: Allen Voted Against “Approximately $1 Billion For Equipment For National Guard And Reserves.” Allen voted in favor of the “Cochran, R-Miss., motion to table (kill) the Landrieu, D-La., amendment that would appropriate approximately $1 billion for equipment for the National Guard and Reserves.” [Vote 116, 4/2/03; CQ Floor Votes]

  • Landrieu Press Release Cited Need For “Helmets, Tents, Bullet-Proof Inserts, And Tactical Vests.” A press release from Senator Landrieu’s office said, “The Marine Corps Reserve reports that before they could deploy a second wave of troops a shortage of helmets, tents, bullet-proof inserts, and tactical vests must be fulfilled. Likewise, the Army Reserve reports a shortage of rifles – both the M4 and M16 – would have to be replenished before deploying a second wave of troops. Landrieu's amendment would increase funding for the Reserves and Guard by $1 billion.” [Senator Mary Landrieu Press Release, 3/26/03]

2005: Allen Voted Against Extending Earned Income Tax Relief For Combat Troops. Allen voted against “Kerry, D-Mass., motion to waive the Budget Act with respect to the Grassley, R-Iowa, point of order against the Kerry amendment no. 2616. The Kerry amendment would extend through 2007 the inclusion of combat pay in earned income. It also would accelerate so-called marriage penalty tax relief for the earned income tax credit and extend the effective dates of leasing provisions of the American Jobs Creation Act.” The Motion failed 55-43, though a three-fifths majority was required to waive the budget act, thus the amendment fell. Forty-three Democrats and 11 Republicans voted in favor of the Kerry amendment. [Vote 344, 11/17/05; CQ Floor Votes]

  • Reagan Called The EITC “The Best Anti-Poverty, The Best Pro-Family, The Best Job Creation Measure To Come Out Of Congress.” The Topeka Capital-Journal reported that President Reagan said “The Earned Income Tax Credit is the best anti-poverty, the best pro-family, the best job creation measure to come out of Congress.” [Topeka Capital-Journal, 1/21/12]
  • New York Times Editorial Called The EITC “The Pride Of Ronald Reagan.” [The New York Times, 8/30/11]

Obama On Tax Relief Amendment: “Our Troops Not Only Earn Their Combat Pay, But They Have Also Earned Our Respect.” In a floor statement, Senator Obama said, “I rise to speak in favor of the amendment I am offering with Senator Kerry to make two simple yet critical improvements to the earned income credit and to reduce the Federal deficit. Our amendment provides relief from the marriage penalty and from the military service penalty faced by many low-income taxpayers. . . . The second fix proposed by this amendment is to ensure that the families of our men and women in combat are not deprived of their tax benefits. In the midst of war, are we really going to tell our troops that their combat pay doesn't count as earned income for purposes of calculating tax credits?  That is hard to image. Our amendment extends the tax protection for combat pay through 2007. Our troops not only earn their combat pay, but they have also earned our respect. They deserve our commitment of support.” [Congressional Record, 11/17/05]
Allen Voted Against $47 Billion To “Recondition And Repair Equipment” For Military, Which Would Be Paid For By Repealing Certain Tax Cuts. Allen voted against the Reed amendment, which according to Congressional Quarterly “would provide $47 billion to recondition and repair equipment for the military.” [Vote 8, 2/2/06; CQ Floor Votes]
FACT: Allen’s reckless spending in his Senate years caused the mess we’re in.
2012: Allen On Government Spending When He Was In The Senate: “In The Years I Was In The Senate, Yeah, It Was A Problem In Those Years.”  At the AP-Day Debate in December 2011, Allen said, “When Tim talks about spending, in the years I was in the Senate, yeah, it was a problem in those years.” [AP-Day Debate, 12/7/11]

  • As Senator, Allen Voted For Every Appropriations Bill That Came Up, Adding Over $3 Trillion To The National Debt. PolitiFact Virginia wrote, “Under the budgets approved during Allen’s term, debt climbed by $3.202 trillion. Congress sets budgets through a series of appropriations bills, and Allen supported all of the roughly four dozen bills to hit the Senate floor during his term. . . . Radtke said debt increased by $3 trillion during Allen’s Senate term, a figure equal to $16,000 per second. The actual figures were $3.202 trillion, or $16,896.68 per second.”  [Richmond Times-Dispatch, “PolitiFact Virginia,” 4/15/11]
  • Allen Voted Against Restoring PAYGO Rules At Least Six Times. Allen voted against restoring pay-as-you-go (PAYGO) rules at least six times, which would have required tax cuts and new entitlement spending to be offset with revenue increases or spending cuts. [Vote 38, 3/14/06; Vote 340, 11/17/05; Vote 283, 11/3/05; Vote 53, 3/16/05; Vote 38, 3/10/04; Vote 200, 5/23/03]

Center On Budget And Policy Priorities: Bush Tax Cuts, Wars, And The Economic Downturn “Explain Virtually The Entire Deficit Over The Next Ten Years.” An analysis of the federal budget by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities stated, “Some lawmakers, pundits, and others continue to say that President George W. Bush’s policies did not drive the projected federal deficits of the coming decade — that, instead, it was the policies of President Obama and Congress in 2009 and 2010. But, the fact remains: the economic downturn, President Bush’s tax cuts and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq explain virtually the entire deficit over the next ten years (see Figure 1).” [The Center On Budget And Policy Priorities, 5/10/11]
Projections Show That By 2019, Almost Half The Public Debt Of The U.S. Will Be Attributable To The Bush Tax Cuts And Wars In Iraq And Afghanistan. An analysis of the federal budget by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities stated, “[T]he Bush-era tax cuts and the Iraq and Afghanistan wars — including their associated interest costs — account for almost half of the projected public debt in 2019 (measured as a share of the economy) if we continue current policies. . . . Altogether, the economic downturn, the measures enacted to combat it (including the 2009 Recovery Act), and the financial rescue legislation play a smaller role in the projected debt increase over the next decade.” [The Center On Budget And Policy Priorities, 5/20/11]
New York Times: Bush Tax Cuts And War Spending “Were The Biggest Policy Drivers Of The Swing From Projected Surplus To Deficits.” An editorial by Teresa Tritch in the New York Times entitled, “How The Deficit Got This Big,” stated, “In 2001, President George W. Bush inherited a surplus, with projections by the Congressional Budget Office for ever-increasing surpluses, assuming continuation of the good economy and President Bill Clinton’s policies. But every year starting in 2002, the budget fell into deficit. In January 2009, just before President Obama took office, the budget office projected a $1.2 trillion deficit for 2009 and deficits in subsequent years, based on continuing Mr. Bush’s policies and the effects of recession. Mr. Obama’s policies in 2009 and 2010, including the stimulus package, added to the deficits in those years but are largely temporary. . . . The second graph shows that under Mr. Bush, tax cuts and war spending were the biggest policy drivers of the swing from projected surpluses to deficits from 2002 to 2009.” [Editorial, Teresa Tritch, New York Times, 7/23/11] 
FACTThe debt deal was negotiated by Republican leaders Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and Eric Cantor. Allen’s approach would have led the U.S. to default on its debts for the first time in history, which is why the vast majority of his own allies supported the deal.
Paul Ryan On Why He Voted For The Debt Deal: “It Was A Step In The Right Direction.” In an interview on Face the Nation, Ryan said, “I did, you know why I voted for it? Because I was working to find common ground with Democrats to get a down payment on deficit reduction. I worked with President Obama to find common ground to get a down payment on deficit reduction. It wasn't a big down payment but it was a step in the right direction.”  [Face The Nation, 9/9/12]
John Boehner On Debt Deal: “I Got 98 Percent Of What I Wanted. I'm Pretty Happy.” While discussing the debt deal on CBS Evening News, John Boehner said, “When you look at this final agreement that we came to with the white House, I got 98 percent of what I wanted. I'm pretty happy.” [CBS Evening News, 8/1/11]
U.S. Chamber Of Commerce: “This Legislation—The Product Of A Bipartisan Agreement Among Congressional Leaders And President Obama—Must Be Approved To Avert Default.” The U.S. Chamber of Commerce said, “The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the world’s largest business federation representing the interests of more than three million businesses and organizations of every size, sector, and region, strongly supports the “Budget Control Act of 2011,” which would increase the statutory debt ceiling. This legislation—the product of a bipartisan agreement among Congressional leaders and President Obama—must be approved to avert default, reduce spending, and begin the process of getting America’s fiscal house in order.” [U.S. Chamber of Commerce Press Release, 8/1/2011]
The US Chamber Of Commerce On Debt Deal: “This Legislation Is The Right Thing To Do.” In a key vote letter supporting the Budget Control Act of 2011, the US Chamber of Commerce said: “As is the nature of all compromises, this bill is not perfect. It does not fix America’s long-run debt and deficit problems, nor reform the tax code, two things that Congress still must do. But this legislation is the right thing to do, now. This legislation increases the statutory debt ceiling in a manner that does not trigger an increase in taxes, but instead would force Congress to cut spending. The Chamber strongly supports the “Budget Control Act of 2011.” The Chamber will consider including votes on, or in relation to, this issue in our annual How They Voted scorecard.” [U.S. Chamber Of Commerce, Key Vote Letter, 8/1/11]
Donohue Threatened To “Get Rid Of” Republicans Who Didn't Support Raising Borrowing Limit.Time reported, “At a Chamber of Commerce event on Monday in Atlanta, Chamber President Tom Donohue had a pointed message for Republicans who won’t raise the borrowing limit: ‘We’ll get rid of you.’ Wall Street is fed up with the debt-limit brinkmanship; John Boehner received a chilly reception when he laid out Republican demands in New York City last month. In Atlanta, Donohue offered the House Speaker the kind of backhanded compliment that can leave a mark. ‘He’s growing into his shorts,’ Donohue said. ‘He’s put on his big boy pants.’” [Time, 6/14/11]
Cantor Negotiated Sequestration Deal And Whipped Freshman Tea Party Representatives To Vote For It. The New York Times reported, “Staff members from the office of Mr. McCarthy and Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, the Republican majority leader, leaned on the aides of on-the-fence members, fuming, at times, said several staff members, that their bosses would not simply commit and move on. To get the bill to pass, Mr. McCarthy and Mr. Cantor worked the phones, as well as the hallways and the floor of the House.” [New York Times, 8/2/11]

  • Allen: Cantor “Is Doing A Fantastic Job As A Leader In The House Of Representatives.”Appearing at Eric Cantor’s Republican Round-Up, Allen said, “It’s great to see so many people here supporting Eric Cantor, who is doing a fantastic job as a leader in the House of Representatives.” [Eric Cantor’s Republican Round-up, 10/6/12]
  • Allen Praised Cantor’s “Positive, Constructive Leadership.” Appearing at Eric Cantor’s Republican Round-Up, Allen said, “we’re going to have Eric Cantor and his positive, constructive leadership improving the lives of people at their kitchen tables, their small businesses.” [Eric Cantor’s Republican Round-up, 10/6/12]

McConnell Praised The Budget Control Act As One Of The “Things We Agree On… [That] Will Get Us A Trillion Dollars In Savings Over 10 Years.” The following exchange occurred on NBC’s Meet The Press: DAVID GREGORY: “Isn't this classic? Politicians talking out of both sides of their mouths? We can't have an ultimatum, ‘my way or the highway,’ but we will not talk about tax increases as we go forward to try to bring this budget into balance over time.” SEN MINORITY LEADER MITCH MCCONNELL: “Well, regretfully, it never gets talked about, but there actually are things we agree on. We passed the Budget Control Act last August, this past August. It will get us a trillion dollars in savings over 10 years.” [Meet the Press, 9/18/11]
Fairfax County Chamber Of Commerce Supported Deal To Raise Debt Ceiling. The Washington Post Virginia Politics blog reported, “Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce President Jim Corcoran, mindful of the billions of dollars that pour into Northern Virginia from the federal government, called on Congress and the White House on Tuesday to cut a deal to raise the debt ceiling or risk damaging Virginia’s economic powerhouse.” [The Washington Post, Virginia Politics Blog, 7/26/11]
Cornyn On Debt Deal: “It Is A Step In The Right Direction And I Will Support It.” A press release from Senator Cornyn’s office stated, “U.S. Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) a member of the Senate Budget Committee, today announced he will support the Budget Control Act of 2011 and released this statement: . . . ‘This proposal is far from perfect, but it is a step in the right direction and I will support it because it serves as an important benchmark towards fundamentally changing the debate in Washington, as the American people asked for last November.’” [Senator Cornyn Press Release,8/1/11]
Rove Praised House Republicans For The Debt Deal They Negotiated And Passed, Called The Cuts In The Deal “A Down Payment.” In an op-ed published in The Wall Street Journal, Karl Rove wrote, “For Republicans, the outcome was far more positive. House Republicans adroitly shifted the debate's focus from how much to raise the debt ceiling to how much should spending be cut. They achieved this even while the other two centers of power in any legislative struggle—the Senate and the White House—remained in Democratic hands. In doing so, Republicans achieved roughly two-thirds of the spending cuts sought in the budget the House passed in April, cuts which would have gone nowhere in the Senate without the debt-ceiling battle. . . . The cuts agreed to in the debt-ceiling debate are a down payment.” [Rove Op-Ed, Wall Street Journal, 8/4/11]



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