Home 2019 Elections Arlington Revenue Commissioner Ingrid Morroy and Her Band Sing “Vote Absentee” Song

Arlington Revenue Commissioner Ingrid Morroy and Her Band Sing “Vote Absentee” Song


A few weeks ago, I volunteered at Clarendon Metro stop in Arlington to help register voters, and I heard this song about 100 times. So, at this point, I hate hate hate love it! 🙂 Seriously, though, whether you love or hate this song – and how can you hate it when sung by my friend, Arlington Revenue Commissioner Ingrid Morroy, and her bandmates – the point is you can vote absentee right now in Virginia, as long as you can check one of these boxes (e.g., “you will be absent from the county or city in which you are entitled to vote, due to an obligation of business, profession, or occupation or while on personal business or vacation”). Why vote absentee? As the song notes, you never know what will happen; heck, there could be a snowstorm, or another earthquake or something, or maybe you’ll win the lottery and be off on the cruise of a lifetime. The point is, if you can lock in your vote for Barack Obama and Tim Kaine (plus the Democrat running for Congress in your district) now, why not go ahead and do it?


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