Fact Check: Romney’s “12 Million Jobs” Vanishes in Smoke, FOUR Pinocchios


    It’s been driving me crazy for weeks now, Willard’s claim that his “plan” will create “12 million jobs.” I knew it was utter nonsense, and was hoping the media would, ya know, do its job for a change by reporting that fact?  Well, thanks to Glenn Kessler, now they have!

    First of all, the entire thing is absurd, as “Moody’s Analytics, in an August forecast, predicts 12 million jobs will be created by 2016, no matter who is president.” In other words, this is a baseline, “business as usual” forecast, so Romney saying he’ll do it is promising what will happen anyway. Wow.

    Second, what case there is for Romney’s “plan” (using that word EXTREMELY loosely) has been made NOT by any unbiased source, but – shocker, I know – by “four of Romney’s top economic advisers.” Seems like these guys greatly enjoy patting themselves on the backs, scratching each others’ ba**s, etc. #FAIL

    Third, when asked by a reporter for details on these “12 million jobs,” the Romney campaign, and the (non) answer was: “totally different studies … with completely different timelines,” with numbers that are “squishy,” “very suspicious,” “misleading,” etc. Typical for the Romney campaign, but unacceptable for our country.

    Bottom line: “This is a case of bait-and-switch,” well deserving of the “Four Pinocchios” (reserved for the most egregious lies possible) rating by the Washington Post’s Fact Checker. And no, the Fact Checker has NOT been a friend to Democrats, so spare me that non-argument.

    P.S. Speaking of vanishing in smoke, check this out – hilarious (and true)!


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