Home 2019 Elections Romney Tries to Etch-a-Sketch on Abortion, Campaign Contradicts, WTF?

Romney Tries to Etch-a-Sketch on Abortion, Campaign Contradicts, WTF?


From the Obama campaign:


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Did Mitt Romney Lie to the Des Moines Register Editorial Board About Abortion?


In an interview today with the Des Moines Register editorial board, Mitt Romney said that, “there’s no legislation with regards to abortion that I’m familiar with that would become part of my agenda.”


But that statement contradicts his pledge to appoint Supreme Court justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade. And within just a couple hours of the story with Romney’s abortion comments posting, his spokesperson clarified that he would in fact support legislation to restrict a woman’s right to choose.


All of which begs the question- did Mitt Romney lie to the Des Moines Register editorial board in an attempt to soften his image with women voters?


OFA Statement in response to Romney’s deceptive comments:


“It’s troubling that Mitt Romney is so willing to play politics with such important issues. But we know the truth about where he stands on a woman’s right to choose – he’s said he’d be delighted to sign a bill banning all abortions, and called Roe v. Wade ‘one of the darkest moments in Supreme Court history’ while pledging to appoint Supreme Court justices who will overturn it. Women simply can’t trust him.”—Lis Smith, campaign spokeswoman



What Mitt Romney said on February 29, 2012:


Romney Said He Would Appoint Supreme Court Justice Who Would “Hopefully Reverse Roe V. Wade.” Romney: “I’m in favor of a pro-life policy. The legislation that relates to abortion which is something that is going to have to be approved by the Supreme Court and the key decisions I’ll take as the president will be number one, stopping funding for Planned Parenthood, re-instituting the Mexico City policy which says our funds can’t be used for abortion around the world and appointing justices to the Supreme Court that will follow the Constitution, hopefully reverse Roe v. Wade, and return to the states, the authority for making law with regards to abortion.” [WNWO (Toledo, OH), 2/29/12]


Video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqD1fjSp4Sc&feature=youtu.be


What Mitt Romney said in a story posted today at 4:52 PM:


“There’s no legislation with regards to abortion that I’m familiar with that would become part of my agenda.” [Des Moines Register Editorial Board interview, 10/9/12]


What Mitt Romney’s spokesperson said in a tweet posted at 6:52 PM:


Katrina Trinko ‏@KatrinaTrinko . @andreamsaul on Romney's abortion comment to DMR: Rom “wld of course support legislation aimed at providing greater protections for life” [Katrina Trinko, Twitter, 10/9/12] 


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