Video: Joe Biden Hits Lyin’ Ryan For Asking For Stimulus Funds


    So what did you think of the VP debate? I thought Joe Biden did great, definitely won the debate. In contrast, Paul Ryan was a slippery, hyper-caffeinated used car salesman (shocker, I know). It will be interesting to see what the American people think of this debate, and whether it fires up Democrats and much as it should have.

    P.S. I thought Martha Raddatz did an excellent job overall – certainly a gazillion times better than the comatose Jim Lehrer last week (ugh) – and that the debate was what a debate is SUPPOSED to be!  Now, can we please have more of this in the remaining two debates?

    UPDATE 10:55 pm: CBS Instant Poll of uncommitted voters: 50% say Biden won, 31% say Ryan won, 19% saw it as a tie. Go Joe! Also, Biden went up from 39% to 56%, Ryan just from 45% to 49% on who has ability to be an effective president.


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