Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Saturday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Saturday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Saturday, November 24.

*Opponents of Egypt’s Mursi call Cairo protest for Tuesday

*Chambliss latest US Republican to break with anti-tax lobbyist (Good to see, although I still despise Chambliss for his despicable smearing of triple-amputee, Vietnam War hero Max Cleland as some sort of bin Laden sympathizer.)

*Can Democrats Retake the House in 2014? (“…we actually won the overall votes in House races by the same 2% plus margin that Obama did, so re-districting dominated by Republican gerrymandering clearly played a big role in them holding on to the House. Democrats, though, are making a big mistake in attributing our failure solely to gerrymandering and essentially giving up on retaking the House the rest of this decade as many pundits are suggesting.”)

*How Democrats can keep winning (“The party has to rely on ideas, not demographics.”)

*Promises on Gun Control (“President Obama now has the freedom to take on the issue that politicians shun.”)

*House District #28 (“The 28th district would be a very competitive open seat at this point.  Can it be competitive with the Speaker still in it- and his unlimited warchest?  It would take the perfect candidate to unseat him, but the numbers alone say it could be done just with Obama/Kaine voters if Democrats could get them out and hold them in a general election.”)

*Virginia lawmaker wants to stiffen new voter-ID law (Why? What on earth possible reason for this would there be? No way in hell!)

*Legislative battle heating up over Va. uranium mining

*Mr. McDonnell’s chance for a transportation legacy (“…does the governor have the spine to twist the arms of his fellow Republicans?”)

*Thousands of remains from Civil War battle surface in Virginia basement

*Doubts plague plans for new 460

*Va. Tech and Virginia today at noon

*D.C. area forecast: Winterlike conditions return; midweek storm?

UPDATE: Also see It’s time to accept Obamacare, Virginia by my Delegate, Patrick Hope.


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