Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Monday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Monday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Monday, December 31 (New Year’s Eve).

*Hillary Clinton hospitalized with blood clot (Scary. Get well soon!)

*Senate negotiators yet to reach ‘fiscal cliff’ deal as clock winds down

*As ‘fiscal cliff’ looms, Republicans have no political incentive to make deal with Obama

*Brewing Up Confusion (Paul Krugman nails it; Starbucks CEO should stick to coffee…)

*Short-Term Thinking Yields Impasse in U.S. Fiscal Crisis (Is our political system even capable of dealing with long-term challenges, from the budget to infrastructure to global warming to whatever? I certainly don’t see it.)

*From partisan perspective, ‘cliff’ may not be that scary

*Obama’s repeat win in Va. showed 2008 was no fluke

*Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama Most Admired in 2012

*The 8 Elections to Watch in 2013

*Never a dull moment as 2012 sees fierce political battles from start to finish

*Republican party is ‘devoid of a soul’, says Jon Huntsman

*Editorial: Who’s ready for $8 per gallon milk (“If Congress fails to pass a farm bill extension, dairy prices will increase substantially.”)

*Editorial: Bench the Tebow bill (“Home-schooled students shouldn’t get a pass from the rules on participation in public school activities.”)

*Virginia seen as good for business

*Possible restrictions, safety concerns drive up sales at Virginia gun show

*Report: Virginia isn’t prepared for major storm in Hampton Roads

*Study: Arlington population to drop 10 percent by 2040

*Prince William to get a second newspaper; Times Community Media launches Prince William Times

*Crystal City streetcar plans underway

*Redskins vs. Cowboys: Washington captures NFC East, beats Dallas 28-18

P.S. Also see The flaws in the NRA’s school-security proposal, which cites studies and evidence – I know, who cares about stuff like that, right? – to argue that arming “school resource officers” is a bad idea. (“There are clear drawbacks to having armed guards in schools. Implementing such a policy would actually put more youth at risk and might divert attention away from a robust discussion of, and progress on, gun control. Instead, we should reconsider our school security policies, drawing on the available evidence of what works and what doesn’t.”)


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