Home Social Issues McAuliffe Rips “Extreme” Cuccinelli’s “attempt to set reproductive rights back 50 years”

McAuliffe Rips “Extreme” Cuccinelli’s “attempt to set reproductive rights back 50 years”


(UPDATE: THIS is the company Cuckoo thinks is so great. What we all need to do is NEVER SHOP AT THIS STORE! – promoted by lowkell)

I just received the following from Terry McAuliffe's campaign, am glad to see T-Mac pounding Kookinelli for his latest insanity. 

Why am I not surprised? 

Yesterday, Terry's opponent Ken Cuccinelli said that opponents of birth control “need to go to jail,” to oppose the Affordable Care Act's coverage of contraception. 

Tell Ken Cuccinelli: Stop attacking women's rights | SIGN THE PETITION

You read that correctly: Virginia's Attorney General is openly advocating that people break the law. But what's worse is he's publicly leading the charge to prevent women from being able to make their own healthcare decisions along with their doctor. 

Please join me and tell Ken Cuccinelli that this kind of inflammatory rhetoric has no place in Virginia. 

While Virginia is facing challenges to improve our transportation, education, and economy, Cuccinelli continues to draw from his extreme ideological agenda and attempt to set reproductive rights back 50 years. 

If Cuccinelli is going to focus on divisive social issues during his time as Attorney General, what can we expect from him if he's elected Governor? 

This is unacceptable. Sign our open letter condemning the Attorney General for his offensive remarks: 


In 2013, I hoped that we wouldn't have to keep fighting these old battles. But as long as politicians like Ken Cuccinelli are involved, they seem unavoidable. 

Thank you for joining Terry and me to fight back, 

Robby Mook
Campaign Manager
Terry McAuliffe for Governor


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